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There are 18 five-letter words containing O, R, S and Y

BROSYbrosy adj. (Scotland) In rural and farming circles, stout and strong; well-built; well fed with brose.
brosy adj. Semiliquid.
brosy adj. Containing brose.
GORSYgorsy adj. Covered in gorse.
gorsy adj. Resembling or characteristic of gorse.
GORSY adj. covered with gorse.
GYROSgyros n. Alternative form of gyro (“Greek sandwich”).
gyros n. Plural of gyro (“Greek sandwich”).
gyros n. Plural of gyro (“gyroscope etc.”).
HORSYhorsy adj. Of or relating to horses.
horsy adj. Of a person or people, involved in breeding or riding horses.
horsy adj. Of a graphic design or typographical treatment which is clumsy, clunky, or unrefined.
OYERSOYER n. (obsolete) a hearing in a lawcourt, an assize.
PROSYprosy adj. (Of speech or writing) Unpoetic; dull and unimaginative.
prosy adj. (Of a person) Behaving in a dull way; boring, tedious.
PROSY adj. prosaic, tedious.
PYROSpyros n. Plural of pyro.
PYRO n. (short for) pyrogallol, a chemical used in photography.
ROYSTROYST v. to revel noisily, carouse, also ROIST, ROISTER, ROYSTER.
RYOTSryots n. Plural of ryot.
RYOT n. (Hindi) an Indian peasant, also RAIYAT.
SORRYsorry adj. (Of a person) Regretful or apologetic for one’s actions.
sorry adj. (Of a person) Grieved or saddened, especially by the loss of something or someone.
sorry adj. Poor, pitifully sad or regrettable.
STORYstory n. An account of real or fictional events.
story n. A lie, fiction.
story n. (US, colloquial, usually pluralized) A soap opera.
STROYstroy v. (Obsolete) To destroy.
STROY v. (dialect) to destroy.
TROYSTROY n. a system of weights.
TYROStyros n. Plural of tyro.
TYRO n. (Latin) a beginner or novice, also TIRO.
YORESyores pron. Eye dialect spelling of yours.
YORE n. a long time ago.
YORKSyorks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of york.
Yorks prop.n. (UK, in postal addresses) Abbreviation of Yorkshire.
YORK v. to bowl a batsman with a yorker.
YORPSYORP v. (dialect) to shout.
YOURSyours pron. That which belongs to you (singular); the possessive second-person singular pronoun used without a following noun.
yours pron. That which belongs to you (plural); the possessive second-person plural pronoun used without a following noun.
yours pron. Written at the end of a letter, before the signature.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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