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There are 20 five-letter words containing O, R and Z

ARROZARROZ n. (Spanish) rice.
BORTZbortz n. Diamond of inferior quality, commonly used for drill tips; abrasive diamond powder; bort.
Bortz prop.n. A surname.
BORTZ n. (Dutch) diamond dust or fragments, also BOART, BORT.
CROZEcroze n. A groove at the ends of the staves of a barrel into which the edge of the head is fitted.
croze n. A cooper’s tool for making these grooves.
CROZE n. a tool used in barrel-making, also CROZER.
DOZERdozer n. One who dozes.
dozer n. (Informal) A bulldozer.
DOZER n. one who dozes.
FORZAFORZA n. (Italian) force, strength.
FORZEFORZA n. (Italian) force, strength.
FROZEfroze v. Simple past tense of freeze.
froze v. (Now colloquial, nonstandard) past participle of freeze.
FREEZE v. to turn into a solid by lowering the temperature.
GROSZgrosz n. A subdivision of currency, equal to one hundredth of a Polish zloty.
Grosz prop.n. A surname.
GROSZ n. (Polish) a Polish monetary unit, 1/100 of a zloty.
ORZOSORZO n. (Italian) pasta in the form of small pieces like barley.
RAZOOrazoo n. (Australia, informal) A fictitious coin of very low value.
razoo n. (Australia, informal, rare, in negative constructions) The smallest part or particle imaginable; a whit; a jot.
RAZOO n. (Australian slang) an imaginary coin, as in not worth a brass razoo.
RAZORrazor n. A keen-edged knife of peculiar shape, used in shaving the hair from the face or other parts of the body.
razor n. Any tool or instrument designed for shaving.
razor n. The sharp tusk of a wild boar.
ROZETROZET v. (Scots) to rosin, also ROSET, ROSIT, ROZIT.
ROZITROZIT v. (Scots) to rosin, also ROSET, ROSIT, ROZET.
TROOZtrooz n. (Scotland) short trousers, trews.
TROOZ n. (Scots) close-cut tartan drawers sometimes worn under the kilt in Highland dress, also TREWS, TROUSE.
VIZORvizor n. Alternative form of visor.
VIZOR v. to provide with a projecting brim, also VISOR.
ZEROSzeros n. Plural of zero.
zeros n. The decade of the 1800s, 1900s, 2000s, etc. The noughties. The 2000s.
ZERO v. to set at or adjust to zero.
ZONERzoner n. Someone who zones things.
ZONER n. one who zones.
ZORILzoril n. Alternative spelling of zorille.
ZORIL n. (Spanish) a small African mammal, also ZORILLA, ZORILLE, ZORILLO.
ZORISzoris n. Plural of zori.
zōris n. Plural of zōri.
ZORI n. (Japanese) a Japanese sandal consisting of a flat sole with a thong between the toes.
ZORROzorro n. A South American canid of the genus Lycalopex, visually similar to (and sometimes referred to as) a…
Zorro prop.n. A fictional character, a daring and mysterious avenger, created in 1919 by pulp writer Johnston McCulley.
Zorro n. Any daring and mysterious avenger.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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