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There are 10 five-letter words containing 2O and U

BUROOburoo n. (Scotland, slang) The Labour Bureau; hence, unemployment benefits; the dole.
BUROO n. (Scots) unemployment benefit; the office at which people receive it, also BROO.
DUOMOduomo n. A cathedral, especially one in Italy.
DUOMO n. (Italian) a cathedral.
FOGOUfogou n. (Archaeology) A Cornish souterrain, an underground, dry-stone-walled chamber open on two ends.
FOGOU n. a manmade underground passage or chamber, found in Cornwall.
ODOURodour n. (British spelling) Alternative form of odor.
ODOUR n. any smell, whether fragrant or offensive, also ODOR.
OUTDOoutdo v. (Transitive) To excel; go beyond in performance; surpass.
OUTDO v. to exceed in performance.
OUTGOoutgo v. (Transitive).
outgo v. (Intransitive).
outgo n. (Countable, business, archaic except India) A cost, expenditure, or outlay.
OUTROoutro n. (Music, informal) A portion of music at the end of a song; like an intro, but at the end instead of the beginning.
outro n. (Informal) The closing sequence at the end of a film, television program, video game etc.
OUTRO n. an instrumental passage that concludes a piece of music.
OUZOSouzos n. Plural of ouzo.
OUZO n. (Modern Greek) an aniseed-flavored Greek liqueur.
POYOUpoyou n. (Obsolete) The six-banded armadillo, Euphractus sexcinctus.
POYOU n. an armadillo.
VODOUvodou n. Alternative form of voodoo (religion).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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