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There are 11 four-letter words containing 2O and Z

BOZObozo n. (Slang) A stupid, foolish, or ridiculous person, especially a man.
Bozo n. A member of a West African ethnic group located predominantly along the Niger River in Mali, famous for their fishing.
Bozo prop.n. The Mande language of these people.
MOZOmozo n. A male servant, especially an attendant to a bullfighter.
mozo n. A title of respect for a young man (usually unmarried) with or without a name used. (The addition of…
mozo n. An unmarried man, a boy. (The addition of quotations indicative of this usage is being sought:)
OOZEooze n. Tanning liquor, an aqueous extract of vegetable matter (Tanbark, sumac, etc.) in a tanning vat used to tan leather.
ooze n. An oozing, gentle flowing, or seepage, as of water through sand or earth.
ooze n. (Obsolete) Secretion, humour.
OOZYoozy adj. Of or pertaining to the quality of something that oozes.
OOZY adj. oozing.
ORZOorzo n. A form of pasta the size and shape of grains of rice or barley; often used in soups.
ORZO n. (Italian) pasta in the form of small pieces like barley.
OUZOouzo n. (Uncountable) An anise-flavoured aperitif, originating in Greece.
ouzo n. (Countable) A serving of this drink.
OUZO n. (Modern Greek) an aniseed-flavored Greek liqueur.
ZOBOzobo n. A kind of Asian cattle, supposed to be a hybrid between the zebu and yak.
ZOBO n. (Tibetan) a male zo, also DSOBO, ZOBU.
ZOOMzoom n. A humming noise from something moving very fast.
zoom n. (Figurative) A quick ascent.
zoom n. (Figurative) A big increase.
ZOONzoon n. (Biology) An animal which is the sole product of a single egg.
zoon n. (Biology) Any one of the perfectly developed individuals of a compound animal.
zoön n. (Zoology) Alternative spelling of zoon.
ZOOSzoos n. Plural of zoo.
ZOO n. a home for animals in captivity.
ZOOTzoot n. (US, slang) A zoot suit.
zoot n. (UK, slang) A marijuana cigarette.
zoot n. (UK, slang) PCP; phencyclidine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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