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There are 13 words containing N, R, 2S, 2T and X

EXCLAUSTRATIONSexclaustrations n. Plural of exclaustration.
EXCLAUSTRATION n. a release from religious vows to return to the secular world.
EXPERIMENTISTSexperimentists n. Plural of experimentist.
EXPERIMENTIST n. a person who carries out experiments.
EXPLORATIONISTSexplorationists n. Plural of explorationist.
EXPLORATIONIST n. a scientist engaged in mineral exploration.
EXTENSIMETERSextensimeters n. Plural of extensimeter.
EXTENSIMETER n. an instrument for measuring small changes in length, etc. in metal to which tension has been applied.
EXTENSOMETERSextensometers n. Plural of extensometer.
EXTENSOMETER n. an instrument for measuring deformation in an object due to forces applied.
EXTERNALISTSexternalists n. Plural of externalist.
EXTERNALIST n. a believer in externalism.
EXTORTIONISTSextortionists n. Plural of extortionist.
EXTORTIONIST n. one who practises extortion.
EXTRAPOSITIONSextrapositions n. Plural of extraposition.
EXTRAPOSITION n. the act of extraposing.
EXTRAVASATIONSextravasations n. Plural of extravasation.
EXTRAVASATION n. an escape or effusion of blood or other fluid, esp. from many small vessels into surrounding tissue.
SINISTRODEXTRALsinistrodextral adj. Moving or directed from the left to the right.
SINISTRODEXTRAL adj. going or directed from left to right, as a sinistrodextral script.
TRANSEXUALITIESTRANSEXUALITY n. the state of being transsexual, also TRANSSEXUALITY.
TRANSSEXUALITYtranssexuality n. The state, condition, or properties of being transsexual.
transsexuality n. The psychological diagnosis of gender identity disorder.
TRANSSEXUALITY n. the state of being transsexual, also TRANSEXUALITY.
XENOTRANSPLANTSxenotransplants n. Plural of xenotransplant.
XENOTRANSPLANT n. an operation in which an organ or tissue is transferred from one animal to another of a different species.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 205 words
  • Scrabble in French: 63 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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