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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing 2N, O, R, S, T and Y

CONSIGNATORYconsignatory n. One of several joint signatories to a document.
CONSIGNATORY n. a cosignatory, also COSIGNATORY.
CONVERSANTLYconversantly adv. In a familiar manner.
CONVERSANT adv. having knowledge or experience.
CYBERNATIONScybernations n. Plural of cybernation.
CYBERNATION n. the automatic control of a process or operation (as in manufacturing) by means of computers.
CYPRINODONTScyprinodonts n. Plural of cyprinodont.
CYPRINODONT n. any small tropical or subtropical soft-finned fish of the mostly marine family Cyprinodontidae, resembling carp but having toothed jaws.
HYPERTENSIONhypertension n. (Pathology) The disease or disorder of abnormally high blood pressure.
HYPERTENSION n. abnormally or excessively high pressure of arterial blood.
INTERSENSORYintersensory adj. Between senses (means of perception).
INTERSENSORY adj. relating to interaction between the senses.
NANOCRYSTALSnanocrystals n. Plural of nanocrystal.
NONSECRETORYnonsecretory adj. Not secretory.
NONSECRETORY adj. not secretory.
NONSTATUTORYnonstatutory adj. Not statutory.
NONSTATUTORY adj. not statutory.
NONSYMMETRICnonsymmetric adj. Not symmetric; asymmetrical.
NONSYMMETRIC adj. not symmetric, also NONSYMMETRICAL.
STONEMASONRYstonemasonry n. The work or art of a stonemason.
STONEMASONRY n. the craft of the stonemason.
SYNANTHEROUSsynantherous adj. (Botany, uncommon) Having stamens that are fused by the anthers, usually with the filaments not being fused.
SYNANTHEROUS adj. having the anthers united in a tube around the style, as in Compositae.
SYNCHRONEITYsynchroneity n. The state or characteristic of being synchronous or synchronized.
SYNCHRONEITY n. the state of being synchronous.
SYNCHROTRONSsynchrotrons n. Plural of synchrotron.
SYNCHROTRON n. a type of very high-energy particle accelerator.
TRYPSINOGENStrypsinogens n. Plural of trypsinogen.
TRYPSINOGEN n. the inactive substance from which trypsin is formed in the duodenum.
TYRANNOSAURStyrannosaurs n. Plural of tyrannosaur.
TYRANNOSAUR n. a large carnivorous lizard-hipped dinosaur, common during the Cretaceous period, also TYRANNOSAURUS.
UNGENEROSITYungenerosity n. The quality of being ungenerous.
UNGENEROSITY n. lack of generosity.
UNNEWSWORTHYunnewsworthy adj. Not newsworthy.
UNNEWSWORTHY adj. not newsworthy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 136 words
  • Scrabble in French: 37 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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