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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing N, 3O, P and 2S

COSPONSOREDcosponsored v. Simple past tense and past participle of cosponsor.
co-sponsored v. Simple past tense and past participle of co-sponsor.
COSPONSOR v. to sponsor jointly.
ENDOSPOROUSendosporous adj. (Botany) Having the spores contained in a case; applied to fungi.
ENDOSPOROUS adj. of or like an endospore.
GONIOSCOPESgonioscopes n. Plural of gonioscope.
GONIOSCOPE n. an instrument used for examining the structures of the eye between the cornea and the lens that are not directly visible.
ICONOSCOPESiconoscopes n. Plural of iconoscope.
ICONOSCOPE n. an early form of electron camera.
MONOPOLISESmonopolises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of monopolise.
MONOPOLISE v. to get a monopoly of, also MONOPOLIZE.
MONOPOLISMSmonopolisms n. Plural of monopolism.
MONOPOLISM n. the practice of operating monopolies.
MONOPOLISTSmonopolists n. Plural of monopolist.
MONOPOLIST n. a person who monopolizes.
MONOPSONIESmonopsonies n. Plural of monopsony.
MONOPSONY n. a market condition with one buyer and many sellers.
MONOPSONISTmonopsonist n. A single buyer who dominates a market.
MONOPSONIST n. a participant in a monopsony.
NOSOPHOBIASnosophobias n. Plural of nosophobia.
NOSOPHOBIA n. an irrational fear of contracting diseases.
OPPOSITIONSoppositions n. Plural of opposition.
OPPOSITION n. the act of opposing.
PERSONHOODSpersonhoods n. Plural of personhood.
PERSONHOOD n. being a person.
PHONOSCOPESphonoscopes n. Plural of phonoscope.
PHONOSCOPE n. a device that renders visible the vibrations of sound waves.
PHOTOSENSORphotosensor n. A photodetector.
PHOTOSENSOR n. a detector that is sensitive to electromagnetic radiation.
POISONOUSLYpoisonously adv. In a poisonous manner.
poisonously adv. (Obsolete) Using poison.
POISONOUS adv. having the quality or effect of poison.
POISONWOODSpoisonwoods n. Plural of poisonwood.
POISONWOOD n. a poisonous tree of the cashew family native to Florida.
SOUNDPROOFSsoundproofs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of soundproof.
SOUNDPROOF v. to insulate so as to obstruct the passage of sound.
SPONGEWOODSSPONGEWOOD n. an Indian plant with a pith used in making tropical hats, aka sola.
SPOROGENOUSsporogenous adj. Relating to sporogenesis.
SPOROGENOUS adj. of tissue or cells in which the spores are formed.
SPOROGONIESsporogonies n. Plural of sporogony.
SPOROGONY n. the growth or development of an animal or a zooid from a nonsexual germ.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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