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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing 3N, O, R, T and U

ANNUNCIATORannunciator n. Anything that announces something.
annunciator n. A signalling device that shows which of several electrical circuits is active, especially such a device…
annunciator n. (UK, railways) A buzzer in a signal box that sounds when a train activates a treadle positioned on the…
ANTINEUTRONantineutron n. (Physics) The antiparticle corresponding to a neutron.
ANTINEUTRON n. the antiparticle of the neutron.
FRONTRUNNERfrontrunner n. Alternative form of front runner.
front-runner n. Alternative form of front runner.
front␣runner n. (Idiomatic) Any of the most likely winners in a contest, election, etc.
INCONGRUENTincongruent adj. Out of place, incompatible, inharmonious, not congruent.
incongruent adj. (Mathematics) of or relating to two numbers that have different remainders when divided by a third number.
INCONGRUENT adj. not congruent.
INNUTRITIONinnutrition n. Lack of nutrition.
INNUTRITION n. lack of nutrition; the failure to give proper nourishment.
INTERNEURONinterneuron n. (Anatomy) A multipolar neuron that connects afferent and efferent neurons.
interneuron adj. Between neurons.
INTERNEURON n. an internuncial neuron.
INTERNUNCIOinternuncio n. A diplomatic representative of the Pope ranking below a nuncio.
internuncio n. A messenger or go-between.
INTERNUNCIO n. (Italian) a messenger between two parties; a low-ranking papal legate.
INTERUNIONSinterunions n. Plural of interunion.
INTERUNION n. a blending together.
NONARGUMENTnonargument n. Alternative form of non-argument.
non-argument n. A flawed argument.
NONARGUMENT n. something that is not an argument.
NONCURRENTSSorry, definition not available.
NONINDUSTRYnonindustry adj. Not of pertaining to industry or some specific industry.
NONINDUSTRY adj. not related to industry.
NONROUTINESnonroutines n. Plural of nonroutine.
NONRUMINANTnonruminant adj. Not ruminant.
nonruminant n. Any animal that is not a ruminant.
NONRUMINANT n. an animal that is not a ruminant.
OUTGRINNINGoutgrinning v. Present participle of outgrin.
OUTGRIN v. to surpass in grinning.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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