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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing N, O, 2P, S and U

OPPUGNERSoppugners n. Plural of oppugner.
OPPUGNER n. one who oppugns.
PEPONIUMSpeponiums n. Plural of peponium.
PEPONIUM n. a fruit having a fleshy interior and a hard rind, also PEPO, PEPONIDA.
POSTPUNKSpostpunks n. Plural of postpunk.
POSTPUNK n. a follower or musician of the musical and cultural trend after punk.
PROPOUNDSpropounds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of propound.
PROPOUND v. to propose.
PULPSTONEPULPSTONE n. a grindstone for pulping wood.
PUPATIONSpupations n. Plural of pupation.
PUPATION n. the act of becoming a pupa.
PURPOSINGpurposing v. Present participle of purpose.
purposing n. The act of forming a purpose.
PURPOSE v. to intend to accomplish.
SHIPPOUNDship-pound n. (Historical) A unit of weight once used in the Baltic ports.
SHIPPOUND n. in the Baltic ports, twenty lispounds, a varying weight, 12 to 34 pounds.
SOUPSPOONsoupspoon n. A spoon for eating soup, typically smaller than a tablespoon and larger than a dessertspoon, characterised…
soupspoon n. A soupspoonful.
soup␣spoon n. Alternative form of soupspoon.
SUPPOSINGsupposing v. Present participle of suppose.
supposing n. The act of making a supposition.
supposing conj. If hypothetically (optionally followed by that).
UNOPPOSEDunopposed adj. With no or little opposition.
unopposed adj. Without an opponent.
UNOPPOSED adj. not opposed.
UNPEOPLESunpeoples v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unpeople.
UNPEOPLE v. to remove people from.
UNSTOPPEDunstopped v. Simple past tense and past participle of unstop.
unstopped adj. Not having been stopped.
UNSTOP v. to remove a stopper from.
UNSTOPPERunstopper v. (Transitive) To remove the stopper from.
UNSTOPPER v. to take the stopper from.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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