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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing 2N, O, R, S and W

BROWNINGSbrownings n. Plural of browning.
Brownings n. Plural of Browning.
BROWNING n. the process of making brown.
BROWNNESSbrownness n. The state or quality of being brown.
BROWNNESS n. the state of being brown.
BROWNNOSEbrownnose n. (Figurative) One who sucks up; a bootlicker, ass-kisser, sycophant.
brownnose v. To flatter someone (especially a superior) in an obsequious manner, and to support their every opinion.
brown-nose n. Alternative spelling of brownnose.
COWINNERScowinners n. Plural of cowinner.
COWINNER n. one of two or more winners.
CROWNINGScrownings n. Plural of crowning.
CROWNING n. the act of crowning.
DOWNTURNSdownturns n. Plural of downturn.
down-turns n. Plural of down-turn (alternative form of downturns).
DOWNTURN n. a decline.
DROWNINGSdrownings n. Plural of drowning.
DROWNING n. an instance of someone drowning.
MANSWORNSMANSWORN n. (archaic) a perjurer.
NANOWIRESnanowires n. Plural of nanowire.
NANOWIRE n. a wire of microscopic thickness.
NONANSWERnonanswer n. The lack of an answer.
nonanswer n. An answer that is so vague or noncommittal as to be worthless.
non-answer n. Alternative spelling of nonanswer.
NONOWNERSnonowners n. Plural of nonowner.
NONOWNER n. one who is not the owner.
RENOWNERSrenowners n. Plural of renowner.
RENOWNER n. one who gives another renown.
SUNDOWNERsundowner n. (Australia, obsolete) An itinerant worker, such as a swagman, who arrives at a farm too late in the…
sundowner n. (Australia, obsolete) An itinerant worker, a swagman.
sundowner n. (Nautical) A sea captain who shows harsh discipline by requiring all hands to be on board by sundown.
TURNDOWNSturndowns n. Plural of turndown.
TURNDOWN n. a rejection.
UNDERSOWNundersown v. Past participle of undersow.
UNDERSOW v. to sow land already seeded with a later-growing crop.
WANTONERSwantoners n. Plural of wantoner.
WANTONER n. one who wantons.
WINNOWERSwinnowers n. Plural of winnower.
WINNOWER n. one who winnows.
WORSENINGworsening v. Present participle of worsen.
worsening n. A worse situation; an aggravation or deterioration.
WORSENING n. the act of becoming worse.
WRONGNESSwrongness n. The quality of being wrong; error or fault.
wrongness n. Wrong or reprehensible things or actions.
WRONGNESS n. the state of being wrong.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 63 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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