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There are 19 nine-letter words containing 2N, O, P, R and T

ENTROPIONentropion n. (Pathology) An inversion (turning inward) of the margin of the eyelid.
ENTROPION n. (Greek) the inversion or turning in of the border of the eyelids, also ENTROPIUM.
INTERPONEinterpone v. To interpose; to insert or place between.
INTERPONE v. to interpose; to insert or place between.
MONOPRINTmonoprint n. A form of printing on paper from a glass sheet to which oil paint has been applied; monotype.
monoprint v. To print using this technique.
MONOPRINT n. a single print taken from a design created in oil paint or printing ink on glass.
NONEXPERTnonexpert adj. Not expert.
nonexpert n. A person who is not an expert (in the field that is relevant to the context#Noun).
non-expert n. Alternative spelling of nonexpert.
NONPARENTnonparent n. A person who is not a parent.
NONPARENT n. one who is not a parent.
NONPARITYnonparity n. Absence or lack of parity.
NONPARITY n. the state of not being equal.
NONPROFITnonprofit adj. Not seeking to produce a profit (a financial gain).
nonprofit n. An organization that exists for reasons other than to make a profit, such as a charitable, educational…
non-profit adj. Alternative form of nonprofit.
PATRONNESpatronnes n. Plural of patronne.
PATRONNE n. (French) a (female) proprietor of a restaurant.
PENNYWORTpennywort n. A name given to several not closely related plants around the world, generally with round leaves of…
PENNYWORT n. a perennial succulent herb, having round, peltate leaves with a central depression, aka navelwort.
PINKERTONPinkerton prop.n. A habitational surname from Old English.
Pinkerton n. (Dated, countable) An operative employed by the Pinkerton National Detective Agency founded by Allan…
PINKERTON n. a private detective.
PONTONEERpontoneer n. Alternative form of pontooner.
PONTONEER n. a builder of pontoon bridges, also PONTONIER, PONTONNIER, PONTOONER.
PONTONIERpontonier n. Alternative form of pontooner.
PONTONIER n. a builder of pontoon bridges, also PONTONEER, PONTONNIER, PONTOONER.
PONTOONERpontooner n. One who constructs a pontoon.
PONTOONER n. a builder of pontoon bridges, also PONTONEER, PONTONIER, PONTONNIER.
PRENOTIONprenotion n. Foreknowledge.
PRENOTION n. a notion which precedes something else in time.
PROMINENTprominent adj. Standing out, or projecting; jutting; protuberant.
prominent adj. Likely to attract attention from its size or position; conspicuous.
prominent adj. Eminent; distinguished above others.
PRONATINGpronating v. Present participle of pronate.
PRONATE v. to turn the palm downward or backward.
PRONATIONpronation n. Walking on the inner edge of the foot.
pronation n. (Anatomy) The action of rotating the forearm so that the palm of the hand is turned down or back.
pronation n. (Fencing) The position of the sword hand when the palm is facing down.
PROPONENTproponent n. One who supports something; an advocate.
proponent n. One who makes a proposal or proposition.
proponent n. (Law) One who propounds a will for probate.
TROPONINStroponins n. Plural of troponin.
TROPONIN n. a protein of muscle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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