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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing 3N, O, T and U

ANTIUNIONantiunion adj. (Politics) Opposed to, or discouraging the formation of, trade unions.
anti-union adj. Alternative spelling of antiunion.
ANTIUNION adj. opposed to trade unions.
INUNCTIONinunction n. The anointing or rubbing in of oil or balm.
INUNCTION n. the act of anointing, smearing or rubbing with ointment.
NONCOUNTYnoncounty adj. Not of or pertaining to a county.
NONCOUNTY adj. not part of the county set.
NONHUNTERnonhunter n. A person who does not hunt; one who is not a hunter.
NONHUNTER n. one who does not hunt.
NONMUTANTnonmutant adj. Not mutant.
nonmutant n. A creature that is not a mutant.
NONMUTANT n. one who is not a mutant.
NONRETURNnonreturn n. Absence of return; failure to come back or bring back.
non-return adj. (Of a valve) allowing air or liquid to travel in one direction only, and not permitting its return.
NONRETURN adj. denoting a mechanism that permits flow in a pipe in one direction only.
NONURGENTnonurgent adj. Not urgent.
NONURGENT adj. not urgent.
NUNNATIONnunnation n. Alternative spelling of nunation.
nunnation n. (Dated) A stammering speech disorder, in which the /n/ sound is given to other consonants.
nunnation n. (Archaic, rare) An inclination of Germanic languages to employ -n in endings.
SUNBONNETsunbonnet n. A hat (bonnet) worn for protection from bright sunlight.
sunbonnet n. A plant of the genera Leibnitzia or Chaptalia, native to Asia and the Americas.
SUNBONNET n. a bonnet worn by women as a protection against the sun.
TRUNNIONStrunnions n. Plural of trunnion.
TRUNNION n. a pivot on which something can be rotated.
UNBONNETSunbonnets v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unbonnet.
UNBONNET v. to uncover the head.
UNISONANTunisonant adj. Of a single sound; producing the same sound.
UNISONANT adj. being in unison, also UNISONAL, UNISONOUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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