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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing 2N, R, S, T and U

DUNNARTSdunnarts n. Plural of dunnart.
DUNNART n. (Native Australian) an Australian marsupial mouse.
INSURANTinsurant n. The person insured.
INSURANT n. one who is insured.
NEUTRONSneutrons n. Plural of neutron.
NEUTRON n. a particle in the nucleus of an atom, which is without electrical charge and with approximately the same mass as a proton.
NOCTURNSnocturns n. Plural of nocturn.
NOCTURN n. any one of the three sections of the service of Matins.
RUNNIESTrunniest adj. Superlative form of runny: most runny.
RUNNY adj. inclined to run or liquefy.
STUNNERSstunners n. Plural of stunner.
STUNNER n. a very attractive person.
STURNINESTURNINE adj. pertaining to starlings, also STURNOID.
SUNBURNTsunburnt adj. (Of human skin) Having a sunburn or dark tan; having been burned by the sun’s rays.
sunburnt adj. (Of plants and other objects) Dried by the sun’s rays.
sunburnt adj. (Of places or objects) Subject to the strong heat and/or light of the sun.
TRUNNELStrunnels n. Plural of trunnel.
TRUNNEL n. a wooden peg used to fasten timber, also TREENAIL, TRENAIL.
TURNDUNSturnduns n. Plural of turndun.
TURNDUN n. (Native Australian) an Australian bullroarer, also TUNDUN.
TURNINGSturnings n. Plural of turning.
TURNING n. a rotation about an axis.
TURNSKINturnskin n. (Obsolete) Someone who can change their skin at will, especially into that of a wolf; a werewolf.
TURNSKIN n. (archaic) a werewolf.
UNSTRINGunstring v. (Transitive) To remove the string or strings from.
unstring v. (Transitive) To shake the nerves of; to cause anxiety or panic in.
unstring v. To defuse or relax.
UNSTRUNGunstrung adj. Not strung.
unstrung adj. (Informal) Emotionally upset; not able to keep it together.
unstrung v. Simple past tense and past participle of unstring.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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