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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 9 seven-letter words containing N, O, P, S, T and U

OUTSPANoutspan v. (South Africa) To release oxen from harness.
outspan n. (South Africa) The place where one outspans.
outspan n. An area on a farm kept available for travellers to rest and refresh their animals.
PLUTONSplutons n. Plural of pluton.
PLUTON n. (German) a mass of rock solidified under earth's surface.
POTGUNSpotguns n. Plural of potgun.
POTGUN n. a pot-shaped cannon; a mortar.
PULTONSpultons n. Plural of pulton.
PULTON n. (Hindi) an Indian regiment, also PULTUN, PULTAN, PULTOON.
PUNCTOSpunctos n. Plural of puncto.
PUNCTO n. (obsolete) a nice point of form or ceremony, also PUNTO.
SPINOUTspinout n. (Automotive) A skid that results in a vehicle rotating such that its longitudinal axis is no longer…
spinout n. (Business) The formation of a subsidiary company that continues the operations of part of the parent…
spin␣out v. (Intransitive, idiomatic) To prolong; to make longer (in time).
SUNSPOTsunspot n. (Astronomy) A region on the sun’s surface with a lower temperature than its surroundings and intense…
sun␣spot n. Alternative form of sunspot.
SUNSPOT n. a dark spot on the surface of the sun.
UNSTOPSunstops v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unstop.
UNSTOP v. to remove a stopper from.
UPTOWNSuptowns n. Plural of uptown.
UPTOWN n. the upper part of a city.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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