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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 20 fourteen-letter words containing N, R, S, 2T and W

COUNTERWEIGHTScounterweights n. Plural of counterweight.
COUNTERWEIGHT v. to balance with an equivalent weight or force.
FARTHINGSWORTHfarthingsworth n. The amount that can be bought for a farthing.
Farthingsworth prop.n. A surname.
FARTHINGSWORTH n. as much as a farthing will buy.
NORTHEASTWARDSnortheastwards adj. Northeastward.
northeastwards adv. Northeastward.
NORTHEASTWARDS adv. in a northeasterly direction, also NORTHEASTWARD.
NORTHWESTERNERnorthwesterner n. A person from the northwest part of a geographic region.
NORTHWESTWARDSnorthwestwards adj. Northwestward.
northwestwards adv. Northwestward.
NORTHWESTWARDS adv. in a northwesterly direction, also NORTHWESTWARD.
NOTEWORTHINESSnoteworthiness n. The quality or state of being noteworthy.
NOTEWORTHINESS n. the state of being noteworthy.
SCRIPTWRITINGSSCRIPTWRITING n. the writing of scripts.
SOUTHWESTERNERsouthwesterner n. A person from the southwest part of a geographic region.
SPORTSWRITINGSSPORTSWRITING n. journalism on sports subjects.
STALWARTNESSESSTALWARTNESS n. the state of being stalwart.
SWEETHEARTINGSSWEETHEARTING n. the granting of unauthorized discounts or the abetting of shoplifting by staff in a shop.
THANKWORTHIESTthankworthiest adj. Superlative form of thankworthy: most thankworthy.
THANKWORTHY adj. worthy of thanks.
TWOPENCEWORTHSTWOPENCEWORTH n. goods to the value of twopence.
WATERTIGHTNESSwatertightness n. (Rare) The condition of being watertight.
WATERTIGHTNESS n. the state of being watertight.
WESTERNISATIONwesternisation n. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of westernization.
WESTERNISATION n. conversion to or adoption of western traditions or techniques, also WESTERNIZATION.
WESTERNIZATIONwesternization n. The process of assimilation, by a society, of the customs and practices of western culture.
WESTERNIZATION n. conversion to or adoption of western traditions or techniques, also WESTERNISATION.
WINTERISATIONSwinterisations n. Plural of winterisation.
WINTERISATION n. the act of winterising, also WINTERIZATION.
WINTERIZATIONSwinterizations n. Plural of winterization.
WINTERIZATION n. the act of winterizing, also WINTERISATION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 188 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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