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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 17 fourteen-letter words containing 2N, O, P, T and Z

CONTEMPORIZINGcontemporizing v. Present participle of contemporize.
CONTEMPORIZE v. to make contemporary, also CONTEMPORISE.
DIPHTHONGIZINGdiphthongizing v. Present participle of diphthongize.
DIPHTHONGIZE v. to make into a diphthong, also DIPHTHONGISE.
HEPARINIZATIONheparinization n. Therapeutic administration of heparin.
HYPHENIZATIONShyphenizations n. Plural of hyphenization.
HYPHENIZATION n. the process of hyphenizing, also HYPHENISATION.
HYPNOTIZATIONShypnotizations n. Plural of hypnotization.
HYPNOTIZATION n. the process of hypnotizing, also HYPNOTISATION.
MONOPHTHONGIZEmonophthongize v. (Transitive, linguistics) To change to a monophthong (as by removing a vowel).
monophthongize v. (Intransitive, linguistics) To become a monophthong.
MONOPHTHONGIZE v. to pronounce as a monophthong, also MONOPHTHONGISE.
MONOPOLIZATIONmonopolization n. The act of monopolizing or the state of being monopolized.
MONOPOLIZATION n. the act of monopolizing, also MONOPOLISATION.
PATRONIZATIONSpatronizations n. Plural of patronization.
PATRONIZATION n. the act of patronizing, also PATRONISATION.
PHENOTHIAZINESphenothiazines n. Plural of phenothiazine.
PHENOTHIAZINE n. a crystalline compound used as an anthelmintic and insecticide esp. in veterinary practice.
PHENYLBUTAZONEphenylbutazone n. (Pharmacology) An anti-inflammatory and analgesic drug used to treat arthritis and gout.
PHENYLBUTAZONE n. a drug formerly used as an analgesic, but now largely restricted to veterinary use.
PHONETIZATIONSphonetizations n. Plural of phonetization.
PHONETIZATION n. the process of phonetizing, also PHONETISATION.
PIDGINIZATIONSpidginizations n. Plural of pidginization.
PIDGINIZATION n. the process of pidginizing, also PIDGINISATION.
PRECONIZATIONSpreconizations n. Plural of preconization.
PRECONIZATION n. the process of preconizing, also PRECONISATION.
SYCOPHANTIZINGsycophantizing v. Present participle of sycophantize.
SYCOPHANTIZE v. to be a sycophant, also SYCOPHANTISE.
WEAPONIZATIONSSorry, definition not available.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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