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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing N, O, P, 2T and Z

DEPUTIZATIONSdeputizations n. Plural of deputization.
DEPUTIZATION n. the act of deputizing, also DEPUTISATION.
ENHYPOSTATIZEenhypostatize v. To hypostatize.
ENHYPOSTATIZE v. to subject to enhypostasia, also ENHYPOSTATISE.
EPIDOTIZATIONEPIDOTIZATION n. the process of transforming into epidote, also EPIDOTISATION.
EPITOMIZATIONepitomization n. The process or result of epitomizing.
EPITOMIZATION n. the process of epitomizing, also EPITOMISATION.
HEPATIZATIONShepatizations n. Plural of hepatization.
HEPATIZATION n. the act of hepatizing, also HEPATISATION.
HYPNOTIZATIONhypnotization n. The act or process of producing hypnotism.
HYPNOTIZATION n. the process of hypnotizing, also HYPNOTISATION.
HYPOSTATIZINGhypostatizing v. Present participle of hypostatize.
HYPOSTATIZE v. to treat as hypostasis, to personify, also HYPOSTASISE, HYPOSTASIZE, HYPOSTATISE.
HYPOTHETIZINGhypothetizing v. Present participle of hypothetize.
OPTIMIZATIONSoptimizations n. Plural of optimization.
OPTIMIZATION n. the act of optimizing, also OPTIMISATION.
PALLETIZATIONpalletization n. The act or process of palletizing.
PALLETIZATION n. the act of palletizing, also PALLETISATION.
PATRONIZATIONpatronization n. Patronizing behaviour or talk.
PATRONIZATION n. the act of patronizing, also PATRONISATION.
PELLETIZATIONpelletization n. The act or process of pelletizing.
PELLETIZATION n. the act of pelletizing, also PELLETISATION.
PEPTONIZATIONpeptonization n. (Physiology, biochemistry) The conversion of a protein into peptones under the influence of the enzyme pepsin.
PEPTONIZATION n. the process of peptonizing, also PEPTONISATION.
PHONETIZATIONphonetization n. The art or process of representing sounds by phonetic signs.
PHONETIZATION n. the process of phonetizing, also PHONETISATION.
PICTURIZATIONpicturization n. (Dated) The representation of something as a picture, or the adaptation of something into a picture…
picturization n. (India) The setting or coordination of soundtrack music of a motion picture to events or choreography onscreen.
PICTURIZATION n. the act of picturizing, also PICTURISATION.
PLATINIZATIONplatinization n. The process of coating (something) with platinum.
PLATINIZATION n. the process of platinizing, also PLATINISATION.
POSTERIZATIONposterization n. The act or process of posterizing.
POSTERIZATION n. a video effect in which the picture is produced in a limited number of flat tones and colours, also POSTERISATION.
PRIVATDOZENTSprivatdozents n. Plural of privatdozent.
PRIVATDOZENT n. (German) in German universities, a recognized teacher who is not a member of the salaried staff, also PRIVATDOCENT.
PRIVATIZATIONprivatization n. The transfer of a company or organization from government to private ownership and control.
PRIVATIZATION n. the act of privatizing, also PRIVATISATION.
TEMPORIZATIONtemporization n. The act of temporizing.
temporization n. (Dentistry) The application of a temporary piece of dental work that will later be removed.
TEMPORIZATION n. the act of temporizing, also TEMPORISATION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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