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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing 3N, 2T and U

ANNUNTIATINGANNUNTIATE v. (obsolete) to proclaim.
ANTINAUSEANTantinauseant n. (Pharmacology) Any drug that counteracts nausea.
ANTINEUTRINOantineutrino n. (Physics) The antiparticle of the neutrino.
ANTINEUTRINO n. the antiparticle of the neutrino.
ANTINEUTRONSantineutrons n. Plural of antineutron.
ANTINEUTRON n. the antiparticle of the neutron.
CONGLUTINANTconglutinant adj. That cements together, especially that heals a wound by adhering its edges.
CONGLUTINANT adj. joining by means of a sticky substance.
CONTINUATIONcontinuation n. The act or state of continuing or being continued; uninterrupted extension or succession.
continuation n. That which extends, increases, supplements, or carries on.
continuation n. (Programming) A representation of an execution state of a program at a certain point in time, which…
INNUTRITIONSINNUTRITION n. lack of nutrition; the failure to give proper nourishment.
NONINTUITIVEnonintuitive adj. Not intuitive.
NONINTUITIVE adj. not intuitive.
NONNUTRITIVEnonnutritive adj. Not nutritive.
NONNUTRITIVE adj. not nutritive.
NONTURBULENTnonturbulent adj. Not turbulent.
NONTURBULENT adj. not turbulent.
SUBCONTINENTsubcontinent n. A large landmass which is either smaller than a continent (such as Greenland), or part of an even larger…
subcontinent prop.n. The Indian subcontinent, South Asia.
Subcontinent prop.n. Alternative letter-case form of subcontinent (“the Indian subcontinent”).
TINTINNABULAtintinnabula n. Plural of tintinnabulum.
TINTINNABULUM n. a usually high-pitched bell; a bell-rattle.
TURPENTININGturpentining v. Present participle of turpentine.
TURPENTINE v. to treat or smear with turpentine, a viscous resin, originally that of the terebinth tree, now generally of conifers.
UNCONSTRAINTunconstraint n. Freedom from constraint.
UNCONSTRAINT n. freedom from constraint.
UNDERTENANTSundertenants n. Plural of undertenant.
under-tenants n. Plural of under-tenant.
UNDERTENANT n. a subordinate tenant.
UNSTINTINGLYunstintingly adv. In an unstinting manner.
UNSTINTING adv. not restricting or holding back.
UNTENANTABLEuntenantable adj. (Property) Unliveable-in or unuseful in its present state to purchaser, tenant or vendor.
UNTENANTABLE adj. not tenantable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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