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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing N, O, P, R, S and Z

HYPNOTIZERShypnotizers n. Plural of hypnotizer.
HYPNOTIZER n. one who hypnotizes, also HYPNOTISER.
IPRONIAZIDSIPRONIAZID n. a derivative of isoniazid used in the treatment of tuberculosis.
OZONOSPHEREozonosphere n. A layer in part of the stratosphere that has a larger than normal concentration of ozone; the ozone layer.
OZONOSPHERE n. the ozone layer.
PANZEROTTOSPANZEROTTO n. (Canadian) a baked turnover with a folded, sealed pocket containing tomato, cheese, and sometimes other fillings.
PATRONIZERSpatronizers n. Plural of patronizer.
PATRONIZER n. one who patronizes, also PATRONISER.
PEPTONIZERSPEPTONIZER n. an agent that peptonizes, also PEPTONISER.
PERSONALIZEpersonalize v. To adapt something to the needs or tastes of an individual.
personalize v. To represent something abstract as a person; to embody.
PERSONALIZE v. to make personal, also PERSONALISE.
PERSONIZINGpersonizing v. Present participle of personize.
PERSONIZE v. to personify, also PERSONISE.
POLLENIZERSpollenizers n. Plural of pollenizer.
POLLENIZER n. an agent that pollenizes, also POLLENISER.
POLLINIZERSpollinizers n. Plural of pollinizer.
POLLINIZER n. an agent that pollinizes, also POLLINISER.
POSTERIZINGposterizing v. Present participle of posterize.
POSTERIZE v. (US and Canadian slang) to humiliate (a sporting opponent) by performing a dramatic feat against them, also POSTERISE.
POSTURIZINGposturizing v. Present participle of posturize.
POSTURIZE v. to posture, also POSTURISE.
PRECOGNIZESprecognizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of precognize.
PRECOGNIZE v. to know beforehand, also PRECOGNISE.
RHIZOPLANESrhizoplanes n. Plural of rhizoplane.
RHIZOPLANE n. the surface of a root together with the soil adhering to it.
RHIZOPODANSRHIZOPODAN n. one of the Rhizopoda, amoebae and rotarians moving and taking in food with pseudopods, also RHIZOPOD.
ZINCOGRAPHSzincographs n. Plural of zincograph.
ZINCOGRAPH n. a plate or picture produced by zincography.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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