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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing N, O, 2P, S and Y

HYPERPNOEASHYPERPNOEA n. abnormally fast breathing, also HYPERPNEA.
NEPHROSCOPYnephroscopy n. (Surgery) The examination of the kidney by means of a nephroscope.
NEPHROSCOPY n. use of the nephroscope.
NYMPHOLEPSYnympholepsy n. A frenzied state of (usually erotic) emotion, especially concerning something or someone unattainable.
NYMPHOLEPSY n. a trance incurred by erotic daydreams.
NYMPHOLEPTSnympholepts n. Plural of nympholept.
NYMPHOLEPT n. one in state of nympholepsy, a trance incurred by erotic daydreams.
PERIPHYTONSperiphytons n. Plural of periphyton.
PERIPHYTON n. aquatic organisms which are attached to, or cling to, stems and leaves of rooted plants, rocks, etc.
PHAENOTYPESPHAENOTYPE v. to categorise by phaenotype, the sum of the attributes of an individual, regarded as resulting from the interaction of its genotype with its environment, also PHENOTYPE.
PHONOTYPERSPHONOTYPER n. one who phonotypes, prints in phonotype.
PHONOTYPIESphonotypies n. Plural of phonotypy.
PHONOTYPY n. the transcription into phonetic spelling advocated for ordinary use.
PHONOTYPISTphonotypist n. One versed in phonotypy.
PHONOTYPIST n. one who practises phonotypy.
PODOPHYLINSPODOPHYLIN n. a cathartic resin obtained from the rhizomes of the Podophyllum genus, also PODOPHYLLIN.
POLYPHENOLSpolyphenols n. Plural of polyphenol.
POLYPHENOL n. a polyhydroxy phenol.
POLYPHONIESpolyphonies n. Plural of polyphony.
POLYPHONY n. composition in separate, but simultaneous and harmonizing, parts.
POLYPHONISTpolyphonist n. One who is proficient in the art of multiplying sounds; a ventriloquist.
polyphonist n. (Music) A master of polyphony; a contrapuntist.
POLYPHONIST n. a contrapuntist, one who writes counterpoint.
POLYPHONOUSpolyphonous adj. Polyphonic.
POLYPHONOUS adj. relating to polyphony, also POLYPHONIC.
PROPHESYINGprophesying v. Present participle of prophesy.
prophesying n. A prophecy.
prophesying n. (Historical) A religious meeting to discuss parts of Scripture and their possible use in sermons.
PYCNOSPORESpycnospores n. Plural of pycnospore.
PYCNOSPORE n. a conidium produced in a pycnidium, also PYCNIDIOSPORE.
PYRENOCARPSPYRENOCARP n. a perithecium, a small fruiting body containing ascospores.
TRYPTOPHANStryptophans n. Plural of tryptophan.
TRYPTOPHAN n. an essential amino acid, also TRYPTOPHANE.
UNSTOPPABLYunstoppably adv. In an unstoppable manner.
UNSTOPPABLE adv. that cannot be stopped.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 95 words
  • Scrabble in French: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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