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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing 2N, P, S and 2T

INPATIENTSinpatients n. Plural of inpatient.
in-patients n. Plural of in-patient.
INPATIENT n. a patient living and being treated in a hospital.
NILPOTENTSnilpotents n. Plural of nilpotent.
NILPOTENT n. a quantity which equals zero when multiplied by itself.
NONSEPTATEnonseptate adj. Not septate.
nonseptate adj. (Botany) Lacking cell walls especially in fungi.
NONSEPTATE adj. not having a septum.
PANETTONESpanettones n. Plural of panettone.
PANETTONE n. (Italian) a kind of spiced cake, usually made with sultanas.
PENETRANTSpenetrants n. Plural of penetrant.
PENETRANT n. a substance which increases the penetrating power of a liquid.
PENTSTEMONpentstemon n. Alternative form of penstemon.
Pentstemon prop.n. Alternative form of Penstemon (“beardtongue genus”).
PENTSTEMON n. a genus of showy flowers, also PENSTEMON.
PERTINENTSpertinents n. Plural of pertinent.
PERTINENT n. a minor property forming part of a heritable estate.
POTENTNESSpotentness n. The quality or state of being potent; powerfulness; potency; efficacy.
POTENTNESS n. the state of being potent.
REPENTANTSrepentants n. Plural of repentant.
REPENTANT n. a penitent.
SEPTENNATEseptennate n. A period of seven years.
SEPTENNATE n. a period of seven years; as, the septennate during which the President of the French Republic holds office.
STANDPOINTstandpoint n. Point of view; perspective.
STANDPOINT n. a position from which objects or principles are viewed and according to which they are compared and judged.
STANNOTYPEstannotype n. A tintype.
STANNOTYPE n. a photograph taken upon a tin plate.
STRAPONTINSTRAPONTIN n. (French) a folding seat in a theatre.
TENANTSHIPtenantship n. Tenancy.
TENANTSHIP n. the state of being a tenant.
TRANSPLANTtransplant v. (Transitive) To uproot (a growing plant), and plant it in another place.
transplant v. (Transitive) To remove (something) and establish its residence in another place; to resettle or relocate.
transplant v. (Transitive, medicine) To transfer (tissue or an organ) from one body to another, or from one part of…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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