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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing 2N, T, U and Y

INGENUITYingenuity n. The ability to solve difficult problems, often in original, clever, and inventive ways.
ingenuity n. (Now rare) Ingenuousness; honesty, straightforwardness.
INGENUITY n. the quality of being ingenious.
INNOCUITYinnocuity n. Innocuousness.
INNOCUITY n. innocuousness.
MOUNTAINYmountainy adj. (Now chiefly Ireland) Mountainous.
MOUNTAINY adj. mountainous.
MUNDANITYmundanity n. Mundaneness; the characteristic of being mundane.
MUNDANITY n. worldliness.
MUTINYINGmutinying v. Present participle of mutiny.
mutinying n. An act of mutiny or rebellion.
MUTINY v. to revolt against constituted authority, also MUTINE, MUTINEER.
NONCOUNTYnoncounty adj. Not of or pertaining to a county.
NONCOUNTY adj. not part of the county set.
PUNGENTLYpungently adv. In a pungent manner.
PUNGENT adv. sharply affecting the organs of taste or smell.
SYNTONOUSsyntonous adj. Having the same frequency; syntonic.
SYNTONOUS adj. pertaining to syntony; in harmony with one's surroundings, also SYNTONIC.
THRUPENNYTHRUPENNY n. a twelve-sided British coin, obsolete since 1972.
TRUEPENNYtruepenny n. (Obsolete, sometimes capitalized) An honest, reliable fellow.
true-penny n. Alternative form of truepenny.
TRUEPENNY n. (Shakespeare) an honest fellow.
TYRANNOUStyrannous adj. Tyrannical, despotic or oppressive.
TYRANNOUS adj. like a tyrant.
UNANIMITYunanimity n. The condition of agreement by all parties, the state of being unanimous.
UNANIMITY n. the state of being unanimous.
UNPITYINGunpitying adj. Not feeling or showing pity.
UNPITYING adj. not pitying.
UNSAINTLYunsaintly adj. Not saintly.
UNSAINTLY adj. not like a saint.
UNSTAYINGunstaying v. Present participle of unstay.
UNSTAYING adj. not staying.
UNTENABLYuntenably adv. In an untenable way.
UNTENABLE adv. not tenable, also INTENABLE, INTENIBLE.
UNTIDYINGuntidying v. Present participle of untidy.
UNTIDY v. to make untidy.
UNTUNABLYuntunably adv. (Archaic) In a way that is not tuneful or melodious; untunefully.
UNTUNABLE adv. that cannot be tuned, also UNTUNEABLE.
WHYDUNNITwhydunnit n. Alternative spelling of whydunit.
WHYDUNNIT n. a novel or film concerned with motives, as opposed to whodunnit, also WHYDUNIT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 79 words
  • Scrabble in French: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 11 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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