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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing N, 3O and P

COLOPHONcolophon n. (Printing, publishing) In manuscripts (typically before the invention of printing), the note, usually…
colophon n. (Printing) A printer’s or publisher’s identifying inscription or logo appearing at the front or end…
colophon n. (By extension, Internet) A page on a website identifying the details of its creation, such as the author’s…
COOPTIONcooption n. A cooptation.
co-option n. Alternative spelling of cooption.
COOPTION n. the act of coopting, also COOPTATION.
GONOPODSgonopods n. Plural of gonopod.
GONOPOD n. either of a pair of appendages that are the external reproductive organs of insects.
GONOPOREgonopore n. A small genital opening in the female of some insects etc.
GONOPORE n. a genital pore.
MONOCROPmonocrop n. (Agriculture) A crop of a single kind, grown without others.
MONOCROP v. to plant the same crop in the same field year after year.
MONOPODEmonopode n. Someone or something with one foot.
MONOPODE n. a one-footed person of fabulous Ethiopian race, with foot large enough to be a sunshade, also MONOPOD.
MONOPODSmonopods n. Plural of monopod.
MONOPOD n. a one-footed person of fabulous Ethiopian race, with foot large enough to be a sunshade, also MONOPODE.
MONOPODYmonopody n. (Poetry) A measure of a single metrical foot.
MONOPODY n. a measure consisting of a single metrical food.
MONOPOLEmonopole n. An appellation owned by a single winery.
monopole n. (Physics) A magnetic monopole.
monopole n. A monopole antenna.
MONOPOLYmonopoly n. A situation, by legal privilege or other agreement, in which solely one party (Company, cartel etc.)…
monopoly n. An exclusive control over the trade or production of a commodity or service through exclusive possession.
monopoly n. The privilege granting the exclusive right to exert such control.
MOONPORTmoonport n. A spaceport located on a moon.
Moonport n. (Rare) A spaceport designed to send spacecraft to the Moon.
MOONPORT n. a facility for launching spacecraft to the moon.
NONPOORSNONPOOR n. a person who is not poor.
OOPHORONoophoron n. Ovary.
OOPHORON n. an ovary.
POCOSONSpocosons n. Plural of pocoson.
POCOSON n. (Native American) an upland swamp of the coastal plain of the southeastern US, also POCOSEN, POCOSIN.
POLTROONpoltroon n. An ignoble or total coward; a dastard; a mean-spirited wretch.
poltroon adj. Cowardly.
POLTROON n. a despicable coward, also POULTROONE.
POLYZOONpolyzoon n. (Obsolete) A bryozoan.
POLYZOON n. one of the individual zooids forming the compound organism of a polyzoan.
POMPOONSpompoons n. Plural of pompoon.
POMPOON n. (obsolete) any trifling ornament for a woman's dress or bonnet, also POMPOM, POMPON.
PONTOONSpontoons n. Plural of pontoon.
PONTOON v. to cross with a pontoon.
PROSOPONprosopon n. (Theology) The self-manifestation of an individual.
prosopon n. (Zoology) A variety of small-scale structures in trilobites, such as ribbing, domes, and perforations.
PROSOPON n. the embodiment of any one of the Trinity.
SPONTOONspontoon n. A pointed weapon similar to a pike.
SPONTOON n. a small-headed halberd formerly carried by some infantry officers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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