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There are 20 eight-letter words containing 2N, 2O and U

BOUTONNEBOUTONNE adj. (French) reserved, reticent (of a male).
BUNODONTbunodont adj. (Of molars) Whose cusps are rounded, not sharp peaks.
bunodont n. A creature with teeth of this kind.
BUNODONT adj. having rounded molar teeth.
CONFOUNDconfound v. To perplex or puzzle.
confound v. To stun or amaze.
confound v. To fail to see the difference; to mix up; to confuse right and wrong.
CONJUNTOconjunto n. A small Latin American musical ensemble, mainly in Mexico and Cuba.
CONJUNTO n. a style of dance music along the Mexican border.
CONTINUOcontinuo n. (Music) Synonym of basso continuo.
continuo n. (Historical) A member of the personal guard of the medieval and early modern Spanish or Portuguese kings.
CONTINUO n. (Italian) the bass part as written for a keyboard instrument.
JUNKANOOjunkanoo n. A parade held in the Bahamas.
junkanoo n. (Music) A style of goombay traditionally played on goatskin drums and cowbells during the parade.
Junkanoo n. Alternative letter-case form of junkanoo.
MONURONSMONURON n. a herbicide.
NONCOUNTnoncount adj. (Grammar) Not a count noun.
non-count adj. (Grammar) Uncountable.
NONCOUNT adj. not capable of being counted.
NONJURORnonjuror n. (Historical, Anglicanism) Someone who refuses to swear a particular oath, specifically a clergyman who…
nonjuror n. One who is not a juror.
NONJUROR n. one of those adherents of James II who refused to take the oath of allegiance to William and Mary, or to their successors, after the revolution of 1688; a Jacobite.
NONQUOTAnonquota adj. Not included in a quota.
NONQUOTA adj. not included in or subject to a quota.
NONUNIONnonunion adj. Not part of a labor union; not unionized.
nonunion n. Lack of union; failure to become united.
nonunion n. (Countable, pathology) The failure of a broken bone to heal.
NOTTURNOnotturno n. (Music) A nocturne.
NOTTURNO n. (Italian) a musical composition, also NOCTURNE.
NOUMENONnoumenon n. (From Kantian philosophy on) A thing as it is independent of any conceptualization or perception by…
NOUMENON n. (Greek) an object of purely intellectual intuition as opposed to an object of sensuous perception phenomenon.
NUNHOODSnunhoods n. Plural of nunhood.
NUNHOOD n. the condition of a nun.
PRONOUNSpronouns n. Plural of pronoun.
PRONOUN n. a word that may be used in place of a noun.
PROUNIONprounion adj. (Politics) In favour of trade unions.
PROUNION adj. favouring labour unions.
PUNDONORPUNDONOR n. (Spanish) a point of honor.
UNCOMMONuncommon adj. Rare; not readily found; unusual.
uncommon adj. Remarkable; exceptional.
uncommon adv. (Archaic, UK, dialect) Exceedingly, exceptionally.
UNLOOSENunloosen v. To unloose; to loosen.
UNLOOSEN v. to set free, also UNLOOSE.
UNPOISONunpoison v. (Obsolete) To remove or expel poison from.
UNPOISON v. to rid of poison.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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