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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 15 seven-letter words containing N, O, 2T and U

BUTTONSbuttons n. Plural of button.
buttons n. The dung of sheep.
buttons n. (Colloquial) A remote control.
BUTTONYbuttony adj. Having a large number of buttons.
buttony adj. Resembling a button or buttons.
buttony n. The manufacture of buttons.
GLUTTONglutton adj. Gluttonous; greedy; gormandizing.
glutton n. One who eats voraciously, obsessively, or to excess; a gormandizer.
glutton n. (Figuratively) One who consumes voraciously, obsessively, or to excess.
MUTTONSmuttons n. Plural of mutton.
MUTTON n. the flesh of sheep used as food.
MUTTONYmuttony adj. Like mutton; having a flavour of mutton.
MUTTONY adj. like mutton; having a flavor of mutton.
OUTHUNTouthunt v. (Transitive) To surpass in hunting.
OUTHUNT v. to surpass in hunting.
OUTTURNoutturn n. An amount produced during a specified period; output or turnout.
outturn v. (Transitive) To surpass in turning; to turn better than.
out-turn n. (Curling) A shot in which the handle of the stone is rotated away from the body.
OUTWENToutwent v. Simple past tense of outgo.
OUTGO v. to go beyond.
STOUTENstouten v. (Transitive, intransitive) To make or become stout or stouter; to gain in in size or weight; fatten up.
STOUTEN v. to make stout.
TENUTOStenutos n. Plural of tenuto.
TENUTO n. (Italian) a sustained note or chord.
TOTANUSTotanus prop.n. A former genus of various waders or shorebirds, now subsumed within Tringa.
TOTANUS n. (Italian) the redshank.
TOUTINGtouting v. Present participle of tout.
touting n. The act of one who touts.
TOUT v. to solicit brazenly.
TOUTONSTOUTON n. a deep-fried round of bread dough.
TUITIONtuition n. (North American) A sum of money paid for instruction (such as in a high school, boarding school, university…
tuition n. The training or instruction provided by a teacher or tutor.
tuition n. (Archaic) Care, guardianship.
TURNOUTturnout n. The act of coming forth.
turnout n. The number or proportion of people who attend or participate in an event (especially an election) or…
turnout n. (US) A place to pull off a road.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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