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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 11 seven-letter words containing N, O, 2R and T

FRONTERfronter adj. (Phonetics) comparative form of front: more front.
fronter n. A person who or thing that fronts.
FRONTER n. a three-year-old animal, esp. a sheep.
GRANTORgrantor n. (Law) A person who grants something.
GRANTOR n. the person by whom a grant or conveyance is made, also GRANTER.
HORRENThorrent adj. Standing erect, as bristles; covered with bristling points; bristled; bristling.
HORRENT adj. bristling.
KRYTRONkrytron n. A cold-cathode gas-filled tube intended for use as a very high-speed switch, somewhat similar to the thyratron.
KRYTRON n. an electronic timing device used for detonating nuclear and other explosive charges.
NORTHERnorther n. A strong north wind, a wind blowing from the north.
norther v. To move or go toward the north.
norther v. (Of wind) To blow from (closer to) the north, pushing ships (etc) towards the south; to have its apparent…
ORNATERORNATE adj. decorated.
REFRONTrefront v. (Transitive) To change the front of (a building).
REFRONT v. to put on a new front.
RORTINGrorting v. Present participle of rort.
RORTING n. the falsification of accounts.
SNORTERsnorter n. One who snorts.
snorter n. (Slang) Something extraordinary or remarkable.
snorter n. (UK, slang) Something that is extremely difficult.
TORRENTtorrent n. A violent flow, as of water, lava, etc.; a stream suddenly raised and running rapidly, as down a precipice.
torrent n. (Figuratively) A large amount or stream of something.
torrent adj. Rolling or rushing in a rapid stream.
TRICORNtricorn n. A three-sided hat with the brim turned up.
tricorn n. (Mathematics) A three-horned fractal.
tricorn adj. Having three horns or similar projections.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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