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There are 8 six-letter words containing N, R, T and 2U

OUTRUNoutrun v. (Transitive) To run faster than.
outrun v. (Transitive) To exceed or overextend.
outrun n. (Skiing) In ski jumping, the flat or uphill area past the landing point, where the skier can slow down.
RUNOUTrunout n. Something that has been run out.
runout n. (Cricket) A run out, a running out. The method of getting out in which a batsman, in making a run, has…
runout n. (Skiing) A relatively flat portion at the end of a ski run to slow down, or to connect trails.
TURNUPturnup n. Alternative form of turn-up.
turn-up n. Fabric turned up at the bottom of trousers to make them shorter.
turn-up n. (Dated) A fight or disturbance.
UNHURTunhurt adj. Not hurt; unharmed or unscathed.
UNHURT adj. not hurt.
UNTRUEuntrue adj. False; not true.
untrue adj. Not faithful or loyal.
UNTRUE adj. not true.
UNTURFunturf v. (Transitive) To strip the turf from.
UNTURF v. to strip of turf.
UNTURNunturn v. To turn in a reverse way, especially so as to open something.
UNTURN v. to turn backwards.
UPTURNupturn n. An upward turn or trend, especially in business activity or profit.
upturn v. To turn (something) up or over.
UPTURN v. to turn up or over.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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