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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 15 six-letter words containing N, 2O, S and T

BOSTONBoston prop.n. A town and borough of Lincolnshire, England.
Boston prop.n. A number of places in the United States…
Boston prop.n. A town in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
CONTOScontos n. Plural of conto.
Contos prop.n. A surname from Greek.
CONTO n. (Portuguese) a Portuguese money of account.
NOSTOCnostoc n. Any member of the genus Nostoc of cyanobacteria, found in a variety of environmental niches, that form…
Nostoc prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Nostocaceae – certain cyanobacteria, called star jelly, when swollen after rain.
NOSTOC n. a blue-green alga.
NOSTOInostoi n. Plural of nostos.
NOSTOS n. (Greek) a poem describing a return journey.
NOSTOSnostos n. A homecoming, as after a long journey.
NOSTOS n. (Greek) a poem describing a return journey.
NOSTRONOSTRO adj. of a bank account, 'our' record of an overseas account.
ONCOSToncost n. Additional costs; extra expenses.
oncost n. (Finance) Overhead (expense).
oncost n. (Coal-mining) The cost of upkeep, making and maintaining shafts, roads, pumping, etc.
ROTONSrotons n. Plural of roton.
ROTON n. a quantum of vortex motion.
SNOOTSsnoots n. Plural of snoot.
snoots v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of snoot.
SNOOT v. to treat with disdain.
SNOOTYsnooty adj. (Informal) Pompous; snobbish; inclined to turn up one’s nose.
snooty adj. (Informal) Elite; exclusive.
Snooty prop.n. A surname.
STOLONstolon n. (Botany) A shoot that grows along the ground and produces roots at its nodes; a runner.
stolon n. (Zoology) A structure formed by some colonial organisms from which offspring are produced by budding…
stolon n. (Mycology) A hypha that acts as a runner, connecting sporangiophores.
TOISONtoison n. (Heraldry) A fleece.
TOISON n. (French) a fleece.
TONDOStondos n. Plural of tondo.
TONDO n. (Italian) a circular painting or relief carving.
TONSORtonsor n. (Obsolete) A barber.
TONSOR n. (Latin) a barber.
TOYONStoyons n. Plural of toyon.
TOYON n. (Spanish) an ornamental evergreen shrub.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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