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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 10 twelve-letter words containing 2N, P, U and V

NONPURPOSIVEnonpurposive adj. Not purposive.
NONPURPOSIVE adj. not purposive.
PUNITIVENESSpunitiveness n. The state or condition of being punitive.
PUNITIVENESS n. the state of being punitive.
SUPERVENIENTsupervenient adj. (Logic, philosophy, of a set of properties) In a relationship with another set such that membership…
supervenient adj. Supervening; occurring subsequently; coming after something, especially when not causally connected.
SUPERVENIENT adj. extraneous, additional or unexpected.
SUPERVENTIONsupervention n. The act of supervening.
SUPERVENTION n. the act of supervening.
UNPAVILIONEDunpavilioned adj. (Poetic) Without a pavilion.
UNPAVILIONED adj. not pavilioned.
UNPERVERTINGunperverting v. Present participle of unpervert.
UNPERVERT v. to free from perversion.
UNPREVAILINGunprevailing adj. Not prevailing.
UNPREVAILING adj. not prevailing.
UNRESPONSIVEunresponsive adj. Not responsive; unreactive.
unresponsive adj. Indifferent or apathetic; emotionless.
UNRESPONSIVE adj. not responsive.
VENEPUNCTUREvenepuncture n. Alternative spelling of venipuncture.
VENEPUNCTURE n. the puncturing of a vein with a hypodermic needle, to draw off a sample of blood, also VENIPUNCTURE.
VENIPUNCTUREvenipuncture n. (Hematology) The puncture of a vein, usually to draw a blood sample, collect a blood donation, or insert…
venipuncture v. To puncture a vein in order to collect blood; to perform venipuncture.
VENIPUNCTURE n. the puncturing of a vein with a hypodermic needle, to draw off a sample of blood, also VENEPUNCTURE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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