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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 11 eleven-letter words containing 2N, P, T and V

ENVELOPMENTenvelopment n. The act of enveloping.
envelopment n. That which envelops; a covering.
envelopment n. (Military) An offensive action in which an attacking force moves over or around the enemy and attacks…
NONADAPTIVEnonadaptive adj. Not adaptive; unable to adapt.
NONADAPTIVE adj. not adaptive.
NONPUNITIVEnonpunitive adj. Not punitive.
NONPUNITIVE adj. not punitive.
NUNCUPATIVEnuncupative adj. Oral; not written.
nuncupative adj. (Obsolete) Publicly or solemnly declaratory.
nuncupative adj. (Obsolete) Nominal; existing only in name.
PAVEMENTINGpavementing n. (Pathology) The situation where damaged endothelium undergoes a change in properties that allows leukocytes…
PAVEMENT v. to provide with a pavement.
PENDENTIVESpendentives n. Plural of pendentive.
PENDENTIVE n. one of four spherical triangles formed by a dome springing from a square base.
PENTAVALENTpentavalent adj. (Chemistry) Having an atomic valence of 5.
pentavalent adj. (Medicine) Having a vaccine valence of 5.
PENTAVALENT adj. having a valence of five.
PREINVITINGPREINVITE v. to invite beforehand.
PREVENTIONSpreventions n. Plural of prevention.
PREVENTION n. the act of preventing.
UNPREVENTEDunprevented adj. Not having been prevented.
UNPREVENTED adj. not prevented.
UNPROVIDENTunprovident adj. (Obsolete) lacking caution; lacking foresight; improvident.
unprovident adj. (Obsolete) lacking thrift.
UNPROVIDENT adj. (Shakespeare) improvident.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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