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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing N, S and 3U

HOMUNCULUShomunculus n. A miniature man, once imagined by spermists to be present in human sperm.
homunculus n. The nerve map of the human body that exists on the parietal lobe of the human brain.
Homunculus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Homunculidae – certain extinct monkeys that are possible ancestors…
IMPUNDULUSIMPUNDULU n. (Bantu) a mythical bird with magical powers, often identified with the secretary bird.
RANUNCULUSranunculus n. Any plant of the genus Ranunculus; the buttercup or crowfoot.
Ranunculus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Ranunculaceae – the ranunculuses, including the buttercup etc.
RANUNCULUS n. a genus of herbs, mostly with yellow flowers, including crowfoot and buttercups.
SUBNUCLEUSsubnucleus n. A secondary nucleus (of neurons).
SUBNUCLEUS n. a secondary nucleus.
UNCTUOUSLYunctuously adv. Insincerely and excessively charming.
UNCTUOUS adv. fatty, oily; marked by a smug, ingratiating and false earnestness.
UNHUMOROUSunhumorous adj. Not humorous.
UNHUMOROUS adj. not humorous.
UNPOPULOUSunpopulous adj. Not populous; having a small population.
UNPOPULOUS adj. not populous.
UNSULFUREDunsulfured adj. (Chiefly chemistry) Having no added sulfur.
unsulfured adj. (By extension, of fruits, molasses, etc) Having no sulfur dioxide gas involved in production.
UNTRUSTFULuntrustful adj. Not trustful.
UNTRUSTFUL adj. not trustful or trusting.
UNUNUNIUMSUNUNUNIUM n. a chemical element.
UNUSEFULLYunusefully adv. In an unuseful manner.
UNUSEFUL adv. not useful.
UNVIRTUOUSunvirtuous adj. Not virtuous; having no virtue.
UNVIRTUOUS adj. not virtuous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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