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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 10 ten-letter words containing N, R, 2U and V

BUNYAVIRUSbunyavirus n. (Archaic) Any of the Bunyaviridae, a family of negative-stranded RNA viruses, now most typically in…
INVOLUCRUMinvolucrum n. A sheath that covers or envelopes, especially one that forms around the sequestrum of new bone.
involucrum n. (Botany) An involucre.
INVOLUCRUM n. (Latin) a whorl or set of bracts around a flower, umbel, or head, also INVOLUCRE.
NUCIVOROUSnucivorous adj. Nut-eating.
NUCIVOROUS adj. nut-eating.
PURSUIVANTpursuivant n. (Archaic) A follower.
pursuivant n. (Heraldry) A functionary of lower rank than a herald, but discharging similar duties; called also pursuivant…
pursuivant n. (Freemasonry) A Grand Lodge Officer who guards the inner door during a meeting of the Grand Lodge.
UNDERVALUEundervalue v. (Transitive) To underestimate, or assign too low a value to.
undervalue v. (Transitive) To have too little regard for.
undervalue n. An undervaluation; a price or rate below the actual worth.
UNFAVOUREDunfavoured adj. Alternative form of unfavored.
UNFAVOURED adj. not favoured, also UNFAVORED.
UNPURVAIDEUNPURVAIDE adj. (Spenser) not purveyed, not provided with, also UNPURVEYED.
UNPURVEYEDunpurveyed adj. (Archaic) unprovided.
UNPURVEYED adj. not purveyed, not provided with, also UNPURVAIDE.
UNSURVEYEDunsurveyed adj. Not surveyed; unexplored.
UNSURVEYED adj. not surveyed.
UNVIRTUOUSunvirtuous adj. Not virtuous; having no virtue.
UNVIRTUOUS adj. not virtuous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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