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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing N, O, T, X and Y

ANXIOLYTICanxiolytic adj. (Pharmacology) That reduces anxiety; tranquilizing.
anxiolytic n. (Pharmacology) A drug prescribed for the treatment of symptoms of anxiety.
ANXIOLYTIC adj. serving to reduce tension or stress.
AXONOMETRYaxonometry n. Axonometric projection.
AXONOMETRY n. the branch of crystallography concerned with measurement of the axes of crystals.
CYTOTOXINScytotoxins n. Plural of cytotoxin.
CYTOTOXIN n. a cell-damaging drug.
MYCOTOXINSmycotoxins n. Plural of mycotoxin.
MYCOTOXIN n. a poison derived from fungi.
NECTOCALYXnectocalyx n. (Zoology) The swimming bell or umbrella of a jellyfish or medusa.
nectocalyx n. (Zoology) One of the zooids of certain Siphonophorae, having somewhat the form, and the essential structure…
NECTOCALYX n. the swimming bell or umbrella of a jellyfish of medusa.
OXYGENATEDoxygenated v. Simple past tense and past participle of oxygenate.
oxygenated adj. (Chemistry) Containing oxygen, or oxygen-containing radicals, as substituents.
OXYGENATE v. to impregnate or treat with oxygen.
OXYGENATESoxygenates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of oxygenate.
OXYGENATE v. to impregnate or treat with oxygen.
OXYGENATORoxygenator n. Any device that releases oxygen (or air) into water, especially one in an aquarium.
OXYGENATOR n. an oxidizer.
PAROXYTONEparoxytone adj. (Linguistics, of a word) Having the stress or accent on the penultimate syllable.
paroxytone n. (Linguistics) A paroxytone word.
PAROXYTONE n. a word having an acute accent on the penultimate syllable.
PHYTOTOXINphytotoxin n. (Biochemistry) Any toxic substance produced by a plant.
PHYTOTOXIN n. a poison produced by a plant.
PYROXENITEpyroxenite n. (Geology) A heavy, dark igneous rock consisting mostly of pyroxene minerals with smaller amounts of…
PYROXENITE n. a rock consisting essentially of pyroxene.
THYROXINESthyroxines n. Plural of thyroxine.
THYROXINE n. an iodine compound, a hormone forming the active principle of the thyroid gland, also THYROXIN.
TRIOXYGENSTRIOXYGEN n. a technical name for oxygen.
XANTHOPHYLxanthophyl n. Dated form of xanthophyll.
XANTHOPHYL n. a yellow carotenoid pigment found with chlorophyll in green plants and in egg yolks, also XANTHOPHYLL.
XANTHOXYLSXANTHOXYL n. a plant of a genus of the rue family found in Brazil, in particular the prickly-ash or Hercules club, also ZANTHOXYL, ZANTHOXYLUM.
XENOCRYSTSxenocrysts n. Plural of xenocryst.
XENOCRYST n. a crystal or mineral grain which has been taken in by magma during its upward flow.
ZANTHOXYLSZANTHOXYL n. a plant of a genus of the rue family found in Brazil, in particular the prickly-ash or Hercules club, also XANTHOXYL, ZANTHOXYLUM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 87 words
  • Scrabble in French: 19 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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