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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing 2N, 2T and Y

ATTENDANCYattendancy n. Obsolete form of attendance.
attendancy n. (Obsolete) A retinue.
attendancy n. (Obsolete) Relative position.
CONSTANTLYconstantly adv. (Archaic) With steadfastness; with resolve; in loyalty, faithfully.
constantly adv. In a constant manner; occurring continuously; persistently.
constantly adv. (Frequency) Recurring regularly.
CONTINUITYcontinuity n. Lack of interruption or disconnection; the quality of being continuous in space or time.
continuity n. (Uncountable, mathematics) A characteristic property of a continuous function.
continuity n. (Narratology) A narrative device in episodic fiction where previous and/or future events in a series…
ENCYSTMENTencystment n. The formation of a cyst.
encystment n. The process of becoming enclosed by a cyst.
ENCYSTMENT n. the act of encysting.
NONUTILITYnonutility n. A company, etc. that is not a utility.
NONUTILITY n. a lack of utility.
NYCTINASTYnyctinasty n. (Botany) The movement of leaves or petals in response to darkness; the closing of a flower at night.
NYCTINASTY n. sleep-movement in plants, e.g. the closing of petals.
PENITENTLYpenitently adv. In a penitent manner.
PENITENT adv. repentant.
SENTIENTLYsentiently adv. In a sentient or perceptive way.
SENTIENT adv. capable of sensation.
SHANTYTOWNshantytown n. An area containing a collection of shacks, shanties or makeshift dwellings.
shanty␣town n. An area, such as a suburb, consisting of mean, roughly-constructed dwellings inhabited by poor people.
SHANTYTOWN n. a usually poor town or section of a town consisting mostly of shanties.
STAGNANTLYstagnantly adv. In a stagnant manner.
STAGNANT adv. like still and often foul water.
STANNOTYPEstannotype n. A tintype.
STANNOTYPE n. a photograph taken upon a tin plate.
STINTINGLYstintingly adv. Sparingly; meanly; without generosity.
STINTING adv. grudging.
TAUNTINGLYtauntingly adv. In a taunting manner.
TAUNTING adv. goading.
TURPENTINYturpentiny adj. Resembling or characteristic of turpentine.
TURPENTINY adj. like turpentine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 72 words
  • Scrabble in French: 18 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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