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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing 2N, 2R and W

BROWNNOSERbrownnoser n. Alternative spelling of brown noser (One who flatters others in an obsequious manner.).
brown-noser n. Alternative spelling of brown noser.
brown␣noser n. (Idiomatic) One who brownnoses (flatters or humors somebody in an obsequious manner for personal gain);…
CORNROWINGcornrowing v. Present participle of cornrow.
CORNROW v. to braid hair tightly in rows close to the scalp, also CORNBRAID.
DINNERWAREdinnerware n. The dishes used for serving dinner.
DINNERWARE n. plates etc. used for dinner.
FORWARNINGforwarning v. Present participle of forwarn.
FORWARN v. to warn in advance, also FOREWARN.
INTERGROWNintergrown adj. That have grown together and through each other.
INTERGROW v. to grow into or among each other.
IRRENOWNEDirrenowned adj. (Obsolete, rare) Not renowned, unfamous.
IRRENOWNED adj. (Spenser) inglorious.
NARROWBANDnarrowband adj. Describing communication systems with a smaller bandwidth than wideband.
NARROWBAND n. a device operating at a narrow range of frequencies.
NARROWINGSnarrowings n. Plural of narrowing.
NARROWING n. the act of making narrow.
NARROWNESSnarrowness n. (Uncountable) the state of being narrow.
narrowness n. (Countable) a constriction.
NARROWNESS n. the state of being narrow.
NONWORKERSnonworkers n. Plural of nonworker.
NONWORKER n. someone who is not a worker.
NONWRITERSnonwriters n. Plural of nonwriter.
NONWRITER n. someone who is not a writer.
PREWARNINGprewarning v. Present participle of prewarn.
PREWARN v. to warn in advance.
RECROWNINGrecrowning v. Present participle of recrown.
RECROWN v. to crown again.
SHOWRUNNERshowrunner n. (Television) The person in overall charge of the production of a television series.
UNDERDRAWNunderdrawn v. Past participle of underdraw.
UNDERDRAW v. to draw or describe with moderation or reticence.
UNDERGROWNundergrown adj. Insufficiently grown; not having grown to a normal or suitable size.
undergrown adj. (Obsolete) having pubic hair.
UNDERGROWN adj. of small stature; not grown to a full height or size.
WARRANDINGwarranding v. Present participle of warrand.
WARRAND v. (obsolete) to warrant, also WARRAN.
WARRANTINGwarranting v. Present participle of warrant.
warranting n. A guarantee.
WARRANTING n. the act of warranting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 54 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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