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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing 2N, O, S and X

ANTITOXINSantitoxins n. Plural of antitoxin.
ANTITOXIN n. an antidote to a toxin.
CONNEXIONSconnexions n. Plural of connexion.
CONNEXION n. the act of connecting, also CONNECTION.
CONVEXNESSconvexness n. The state or quality of being convex.
CONVEXNESS n. the state of being convex.
ENDOTOXINSendotoxins n. Plural of endotoxin.
ENDOTOXIN n. a toxin of internal origin, specifically a poisonous substance present in bacteria.
EXPANSIONSexpansions n. Plural of expansion.
EXPANSION n. the act of expanding.
EXTENSIONSextensions n. Plural of extension.
EXTENSION n. an act of extending.
INFLEXIONSinflexions n. Plural of inflexion.
INFLEXION n. a change in the form of a word, usually modification or affixation, signalling change in such grammatical functions as tense, voice, mood, person, also INFLECTION.
INFLUXIONSinfluxions n. Plural of influxion.
INFLUXION n. a flowing in, also INFLUX.
MONOXYLONSmonoxylons n. Plural of monoxylon.
MONOXYLON n. a canoe made from one log.
NONEXEMPTSnonexempts n. Plural of nonexempt.
NONEXEMPT n. one who is not exempt.
NONEXPERTSnonexperts n. Plural of nonexpert.
non-experts n. Plural of non-expert.
NONEXPERT n. one who is not an expert.
NONEXPOSEDnonexposed adj. Not exposed; unexposed.
NONEXPOSED adj. not exposed.
SYNAXARIONsynaxarion n. (Christianity) A compilation of hagiographies corresponding roughly to the martyrology of the Roman Church.
SYNAXARION n. a lection containing an account of a saint's life.
XENOGENIESXENOGENY n. the production of offspring totally different from the parent.
XENOGENOUSxenogenous adj. Of foreign origin; xenogenic.
xenogenous adj. (Pathology) Caused by a foreign body; originating outside the organism. Xenogenous caused by a foreign…
XENOGENOUS adj. due to an outside cause.
XENOMANIASXENOMANIA n. an inordinate attachment to foreign things.
XENOMENIASXENOMENIA n. menstruation from abnormal orifices.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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