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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing 3N, P and S

INSPANNINGinspanning v. Present participle of inspan.
INSPAN v. (South African) to harness or yoke animals to a vehicle.
MISPENNINGmispenning v. Present participle of mispen.
MISPEN v. to write incorrectly.
NINEPENCESninepences n. Plural of ninepence.
NINEPENCE n. nine pennies.
NONASPIRINnonaspirin adj. That is not aspirin.
NONASPIRIN adj. not containing aspirin.
NONPARENTSnonparents n. Plural of nonparent.
NONPARENT n. one who is not a parent.
NONPERSONSnonpersons n. Plural of nonperson.
NONPERSON n. someone without the rights of a person.
NONPLUSINGnonplusing v. Present participle of nonplus.
NONPLUS v. to take aback, baffle.
PENNINITESPENNINITE n. a mineral of the chlorite group, also PENNINE.
PENNONCELSpennoncels n. Plural of pennoncel.
PENNONCEL n. a small flag like a pennon, also PENNONCELLE, PENONCEL, PENONCELLE.
PENNYLANDSpennylands n. Plural of pennyland.
PENNYLAND n. (historical) land valued at a penny a year.
PENSIONINGpensioning v. Present participle of pension.
PENSION v. to grant a retirement allowance to.
PENSIONNATPENSIONNAT n. (French) a boarding-school.
PINNATIONSpinnations n. Plural of pinnation.
PINNATION n. the state of being pinnate.
SEVENPENNYsevenpenny adj. Having a value or cost of sevenpence.
SEVENPENNY n. a coin worth seven pennies.
SUPERNANNYsupernanny n. A remarkably capable and energetic nanny.
SUPERNANNY n. an expert who advises parents on how to deal with badly-behaved children.
TENPINNERStenpinners n. Plural of tenpinner.
TENPINNER n. one who engages in tenpin bowling.
UNSNAPPINGunsnapping v. Present participle of unsnap.
UNSNAP v. to undo the snaps of.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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