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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing 2N, U and Z

ANNUALIZEannualize v. American spelling and Oxford British spelling standard spelling of annualise.
ANNUALIZE v. to convert to a yearly rate, also ANNUALISE.
ANNUITIZEannuitize v. (Economics) To convert an annuity (or similar instrument) into a series of payments of income.
ANNUITIZE v. to commence a series of payments from the capital that has accumulated in an annuity, also ANNUITISE.
INFLUENZAinfluenza n. (Pathology) An acute contagious disease of the upper airways and lungs, caused by a virus, which rapidly…
INFLUENZA n. a highly contagious viral infection.
SNUZZLINGsnuzzling v. Present participle of snuzzle.
SNUZZLE v. to caress with the nose.
SUNGAZINGsungazing n. Observing the Sun in the sky.
SUNGAZING n. the practice of staring directly at the sun at sunset or sunrise, esp. in the belief that doing so allows one to survive without eating food.
UNIONIZEDunionized v. Simple past tense and past participle of unionize.
unionized adj. (Participial adjective, of workers, workforces, companies, or industries) Organized into a trades union…
unionized adj. Alternative form of un-ionized.
UNIONIZERunionizer n. One who unionizes.
UNIONIZER n. one who unionizes, also UNIONISER.
UNIONIZESunionizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unionize.
UNIONIZE v. to form into a union, also UNIONISE.
UNITIZINGunitizing v. Present participle of unitize.
UNITIZE v. to divide into units, also UNITISE.
UNZIPPINGunzipping v. Present participle of unzip.
unzipping n. The act by which something is unzipped.
UNZIP v. to open the zipper of.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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