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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing N, R, T and Z

ATRAZINEatrazine n. (Organic chemistry) A triazine herbicide that inhibits photosynthesis.
ATRAZINE n. a kind of weedkiller.
BARTIZANbartizan n. Alternative form of bartisan.
BARTIZAN n. a corner turret, also BARTISAN.
BRONZITEbronzite n. (Mineralogy) A variety of enstatite, often with a bronze-like lustre.
BRONZITE n. a variety of the mineral enstatite with bronze-like lustre.
ETERNIZEeternize v. (Transitive) To make or render eternal.
eternize v. (Transitive) To prolong indefinitely.
eternize v. (Transitive) To immortalize; to make eternally famous.
FRITZINGfritzing v. Present participle of fritz.
FRITZ v. (of an appliance, etc.) to become broken or start malfunctioning.
JAZERANTjazerant n. (Historical) A coat of defense of Arab origin, made of small plates of metal sewn upon linen or similar…
jazerant n. This kind of armor taken generally.
JAZERANT n. (historical) a coat of mail made of small plates of metal sewed upon linen or the like, also JESSERANT.
KRANTZESkrantzes n. Plural of krantz.
Krantzes prop.n. Plural of Krantz.
KRANTZ n. (South African) a crown of rock on a mountaintop, also KRANS, KRANZ.
NOTARIZEnotarize v. (Transitive) To be witness of the authenticity of a document and its accompanying signatures in one’s…
NOTARIZE v. to attest to as a notary, also NOTARISE.
PARTIZANpartizan n. Alternative spelling of partisan (“adherent, supporter”).
partizan n. Alternative spelling of partisan (“bladed weapon”).
partizan adj. Alternative form of partisan.
ROZETINGROZET v. (Scots) to rosin, also ROSET, ROSIT, ROZIT.
ROZITINGROZIT v. (Scots) to rosin, also ROSET, ROSIT, ROZET.
TRIAZINEtriazine n. (Organic chemistry) Any of three isomeric aromatic heterocycles containing three carbon atoms, three…
TRIAZINE n. a nitrogen compound used in herbicides, also TRIAZIN.
TRIAZINStriazins n. Plural of triazin.
TRIAZIN n. a nitrogen compound used in herbicides, also TRIAZINE.
TRIZONALtrizonal adj. Having or involving three zones.
TRIZONAL adj. having three zones.
TRIZONESTRIZONE n. a country formed of three zones.
TZAREVNAtzarevna n. Alternative spelling of tsarevna.
TZAREVNA n. (Russian) the proper title for the daughter of a czar, also CZAREVNA, TSAREVNA.
TZARINAStzarinas n. Plural of tzarina.
UNITIZERunitizer n. One who unitizes.
UNITIZER n. one who unitizes, also UNITISER.
ZITHERNSzitherns n. Plural of zithern.
ZITHERN n. (German) a stringed instrument, also ZITHER.
ZYGANTRAzygantra n. Plural of zygantrum.
ZYGANTRUM n. (Greek) extra vertebral articulation in snakes and some lizards.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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