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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing N and 3R

ARRANGERarranger n. One who arranges.
arranger n. Digital keyboard to play music with accompaniment styles.
ARRANGER n. one that arranges.
BARRENERbarrener n. A barren animal, one that cannot bear young.
barrener adj. Comparative form of barren: more barren.
BARREN adj. unproductive.
ERRANTRYerrantry n. A wandering or roving around, especially in search of chivalrous adventure.
ERRANTRY n. roaming around, looking for adventure.
FURRINERfurriner n. (Now chiefly derogatory) Pronunciation spelling of foreigner.
FURRINER n. a foreigner.
INFERRERinferrer n. One who infers.
INFERRER n. one who infers.
KNARRIERKNARRY adj. of a tree, having knots.
NARRATERnarrater n. Alternative form of narrator.
NARRATER n. one that narrates, also NARRATOR.
NARRATORnarrator n. One who narrates or tells stories.
narrator n. (Narratology) The person or the "voice" whose viewpoint is used in telling a story.
narrator n. (Film and television) The person providing the voice-over in a documentary.
NARROWERnarrower adj. Comparative form of narrow: more narrow.
narrower n. One who, or that which, narrows.
NARROW adj. of little width.
NURTURERnurturer n. A person who nurtures someone or something.
NURTURER n. one who nurtures.
ORNERIERornerier adj. Comparative form of ornery: more ornery.
ORNERY adj. stubborn and mean spirited.
RENDERERrenderer n. One who, or that which, renders.
renderer n. A vessel in which lard, tallow, etc., is rendered.
renderer n. (Computer graphics) A software or hardware process that generates a visual image from a model.
RETURNERreturner n. One who returns from another place.
returner n. One who returns something, such as defective goods.
returner n. (American football) A player who runs back a ball which has been punted or kicked.
SHNORRERshnorrer n. One who shnors.
SHNORRER n. (Yiddish) a beggar, esp. one who wheedles others into supplying his wants, also SCHNORRER.
WARRENERwarrener n. One who farms or hunts rabbits professionally; the keeper of a warren.
Warrener prop.n. A surname.
WARRENER n. the keeper of a warren.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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