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There are 20 seven-letter words containing 2N, P and R

ENPRINTenprint n. (Photography) A moderately enlarged print made from a relatively small (e.g. 35 mm) negative.
ENPRINT n. a size of photographic print.
NAPRONSnaprons n. Plural of napron.
NAPRON n. (archaic) an apron.
NEPHRONnephron n. (Anatomy) The basic structural and functional unit of the kidney, which filters the blood in order to…
NEPHRON n. (Greek) an excretory unit of the kidney.
NONDRIPnondrip adj. Designed not to drip.
NONDRIP adj. not liable to drip.
NONPOORnonpoor adj. (Socioeconomics) Not poor.
NONPOOR n. a person who is not poor.
NONPROSnonpros n. Plural of nonpro.
nonpros v. Alternative form of non-pros.
non-pros v. To decline or fail to prosecute; to allow (a lawsuit) to be dropped.
PANNERSpanners n. Plural of panner.
PANNER n. one who pans for gold.
PANNIERpannier n. A large basket or bag fastened, usually in pairs, to the back of a bicycle or pack animal, or carried…
pannier n. A decorative basket for the display of flowers or fruits.
pannier n. (Historical, fashion) One of a pair of hoops used to expand the volume of a woman’s skirt to either side.
PENNERSpenners n. Plural of penner.
PENNER n. one who pens.
PERNINGPERN v. to move with a spiralling motion.
PINNERSpinners n. Plural of pinner.
PINNER n. one who impounds cattle, also PINDER.
PLANNERplanner n. One who plans.
planner n. A notebook or software in which one keeps reminders of items such as appointments, tasks, projects, and contacts.
PLANNER n. one who plans.
PRENOONprenoon adj. Before noon.
PRENOON adj. before noon.
PRONOUNpronoun n. (Grammar) A type of word that refers anaphorically to a noun or noun phrase, but which cannot ordinarily…
pronoun n. (Chiefly in the plural) Any of the pronouns by which a person prefers to be described, typically reflecting…
PRONOUN n. a word that may be used in place of a noun.
PRUNINGpruning n. A removal of excess material from a tree or shrub.
pruning n. (Countable) Something obtained by pruning, as a twig.
pruning n. (Computer science) A method of enumeration that allows the cutting out of parts of a decision tree.
PUNNERSpunners n. Plural of punner.
PUNNER n. one who makes puns, also PUNSTER.
PUNNIERpunnier adj. Comparative form of punny: more punny.
PUNNY adj. involving a pun.
PYRONINpyronin n. Alternative form of pyronine.
PYRONIN n. either of two synthetic red xanthene dyes, also PYRONINE.
SPANNERspanner n. (Australia, New Zealand, Britain, Ireland) A hand tool for adjusting nuts and bolts; a wrench.
spanner n. (Rare) One who, or that which, spans.
spanner n. (Weaponry) A hand tool shaped like a small crank handle, for winding the spring of a wheel lock on a musket.
SPINNERspinner n. Agent noun of spin; someone or something who spins.
spinner n. A conical cover at the center of some aircraft propellers.
spinner n. A device that is spun in games to choose a number or symbol.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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