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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 10 six-letter words containing N, O and 2P

COPPINcoppin n. A cop of thread.
Coppin prop.n. A surname.
COPPIN n. a cop of thread.
IPPONSippons n. Plural of ippon.
IPPON n. (Japanese) a winning point for a clean throw in judo.
OPPUGNoppugn v. (Transitive, rare) To contradict or controvert; to oppose; to challenge or question the truth or validity…
OPPUGN v. to assail with argument.
PEPINOpepino n. Synonym of pepino melon.
PEPINO n. (Spanish) a purple-striped pale yellow fruit with sweet flesh.
POMPONpompon n. A bundle of yarn, string, ribbon, etc. tied in the middle and left loose at the ends, so as to form…
pompon n. A hardy garden chrysanthemum with button-like flower heads.
pompon n. Any of several dwarf varieties of the Provence rose.
POPGUNpopgun n. Alternative spelling of pop gun.
pop␣gun n. A toy gun that emits a loud pop by firing a cork from a barrel in which a piston slides, compressing…
pop␣gun n. A firearm of unimpressive appearance.
POPLINpoplin n. A fabric of many varieties, usually made of silk and worsted; used especially for women’s dresses.
Poplin prop.n. A surname.
POPLIN n. a corded fabric with a silk warp and worsted weft.
POPRINPOPRIN adj. (Shakespeare) designating a variety of pear, also POPERIN, POPPERING.
UNPOPEunpope v. (Obsolete) To divest of the character, office, or authority of a pope.
unpope v. (Obsolete) To deprive of a pope.
UNPOPE v. to divest of popedom.
UNPROPunprop v. (Transitive) To remove a prop or props from; to deprive of support.
UNPROP v. to remove the props from.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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