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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 20 six-letter words containing 2N, O and W

INTOWNintown adj. Within a town.
in␣town phr. In the town or city where one lives; in the town or city being referenced.
in␣town phr. (Informal) Present; making an appearance.
INWORNinworn adj. Worn or worked into; inwrought.
INWORN adj. worn or worked in; inwrought.
KNOWNSknowns n. Plural of known.
KNOWN n. a mathematical quantity whose value is given.
MINNOWminnow n. A small freshwater fish of the carp family, Phoxinus phoxinus and related species.
minnow n. Any small fish.
minnow n. A relatively small and insignificant person or organization.
NEWTONnewton n. In the International System of Units, the derived unit of force; the force required to accelerate a…
Newton prop.n. The name of many English-speaking places, including…
Newton prop.n. A habitational surname for someone from any of these places.
NONWARnonwar adj. Not of or pertaining to war.
nonwar n. A situation that is not a war (but possibly resembles one).
NONWAR n. a war that has not been declared.
OWNINGowning v. Present participle of own.
OWN v. to have as a possession.
RENOWNrenown n. Fame; celebrity; wide recognition.
renown n. (Obsolete) Reports of nobleness or achievements; praise.
renown v. (Transitive) To make famous.
UNGOWNungown v. To strip of a gown; to unfrock.
UNGOWN v. to strip of a gown.
UNMOWNunmown adj. Not mown; unmowed.
UNMOWN adj. not mown.
UNSOWNunsown adj. Not sown.
UNSOWN adj. not sown, also UNSOWED.
UNWONTunwont adj. (Archaic) unwonted; unused; unaccustomed.
UNWONT adj. unaccustomed, also UNWONTED.
UNWORNunworn adj. Not having been worn, as clothing.
unworn adj. Not worn away or eroded.
UNWORN adj. not worn.
WANIONwanion n. (Obsolete) The wane of the moon.
wanion n. (Obsolete) Curse.
wanion n. (Obsolete) Vengeance (in the phrases in a wanion, with a wanion, “with a vengeance”).
WANTONwanton adj. (Archaic) Undisciplined, unruly; not able to be controlled.
wanton adj. (Obsolete) Playful, sportive; merry or carefree.
wanton adj. Lewd, immoral; sexually open, unchaste.
WINNOWwinnow v. (Transitive, agriculture) To subject (granular material, especially food grain) to a current of air…
winnow v. (Transitive, figuratively) To separate, sift, analyse, or test by separating items having different values.
winnow v. (Transitive, literary) To blow upon or toss about by blowing; to set in motion as with a fan or wings.
WONINGwoning n. (Archaic) A place to live; a dwelling; a dwelling-place; an abode.
woning v. Present participle of wone.
WONING n. a dwelling place, also WONNING.
WONNEDWON v. (archaic) to dwell, also WOON.
WONNERWONNER n. (Scots) a wonder.
WONTONwonton n. A Chinese dumpling, often stuffed with varieties of meat or seafood and vegetables.
won␣ton n. Alternative spelling of wonton.
WONTON n. (Chinese) in Chinese cuisine, a spicy dumpling containing minced pork, esp. served in soup.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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