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There are 19 five-letter words containing N, O, T and U

COUNTcount v. (Intransitive) To recite numbers in sequence.
count v. (Transitive) To determine the number of (objects in a group).
count v. (Intransitive) To amount to, to number in total.
DONUTdonut n. (Chiefly North America) A deep-fried piece of dough or batter, commonly made in a toroidal or ellipsoidal…
donut n. (Chiefly North America) Anything in the shape of a circle or torus.
donut n. (North America, automobile) A peel-out or skid-mark in the shape of a donut; a 360-degree skid.
FOUNTfount n. Something from which water flows.
fount n. A device from which poultry may drink.
fount n. (Figuratively) That from which something flows or proceeds; a source.
FUTONfuton n. A thin mattress of tufted cotton or similar material, placed on a floor or on a raised, foldable frame as a bed.
futon n. A round cushion used for Zen meditation, traditionally made of woven bulrush leaves.
futon n. A specific kind of sofa-bed, with a fixed cushion that forms a mattress when folded down and a sofa when folded up.
JOTUNjotun n. (Norse mythology) A member of a race of giants who usually stand in opposition to the Æsir and especially to Thor.
Jotun n. Alternative letter-case form of jotun.
jötun n. Alternative form of jotun.
JUNTOjunto n. (Archaic) A group of men assembled for some common purpose; a club, or cabal.
JUNTO n. (Spanish) a group, esp. one made of military officers, ruling a country after a coup, also JUNTA.
KNOUTknout n. A leather scourge (multi-tail whip), in the severe version known as ’great knout’ with metal weights…
knout v. To flog or beat with a knout.
KNOUT v. (Russian) to flog with a leather whip.
MOUNTmount n. A hill or mountain.
mount n. (Palmistry) Any of seven fleshy prominences in the palm of the hand, taken to represent the influences…
mount n. (Obsolete) A bulwark for offence or defence; a mound.
MUTONmuton n. (Genetics) A unit of mutation forming part of a recon.
MUTON n. a unit of nucleic acid.
NOTUMnotum n. (Zoology) The back; the dorsal aspect of the thorax in insects.
NOTUM n. (Greek) part of the thorax of an insect.
NUTSOnutso adj. (Colloquial) Crazy, insane.
nutso adj. (Colloquial) Fraught or out of control.
nutso adj. (Colloquial) Obsessed; overly enthusiastic.
PUNTOpunto n. (Fencing) A hit or point.
punto n. (Historical) A traditional small Spanish unit of length, equivalent to about 0.16 mm.
PUNTO n. (Italian) a hit or thrust in fencing.
PUTONput-on n. A deception, hoax, or practical joke.
put␣on v. To don (clothing, equipment, or the like).
put␣on v. To fool, kid, deceive.
SNOUTsnout n. The long, projecting nose, mouth, and jaw of a beast, as of pigs.
snout n. The front of the prow of a ship or boat.
snout n. (Derogatory) A person’s nose.
STOUNSTOUN v. (Spenser) to stun, astound, also STONN, STONNE, STUN.
TAUONtauon n. An unstable elementary particle which is a type of lepton, having a mass almost twice that of a proton…
TAUON n. a lepton of mass about 3600 times greater than that of an electron.
TONUStonus n. (Biology) tonicity; tone.
TONUS n. (Greek) the normal state of tension in muscle tissue, also TONICITY.
TOUNSTOUN n. (Scots) a town.
UNGOTungot adj. (Obsolete or poetic) Not begotten.
ungot adj. Not acquired; ungotten.
UNGET v. to deny the begetting of.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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