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There are 13 five-letter words containing N, O, P and R

APRONapron n. An article of clothing worn over the front of the torso and/or legs for protection from spills; also…
apron n. The short cassock ordinarily worn by English bishops.
apron n. A hard surface bordering a structure or area.
ORPINorpin n. Alternative form of orpine (“the plant or the pigment”).
ORPIN n. a yellow pigment of various degrees of intensity, approaching also to red.
PORINporin n. (Biochemistry) Any of a class of proteins that cross cellular membranes and act as pores through which…
PORIN n. any of a class of proteins through which molecules can diffuse.
PORNOporno adj. Pornographic.
porno n. (Uncountable) Pornography.
porno n. (Countable) A pornographic film.
PORNSporns n. Plural of porn.
PORN n. pornography, also PORNO.
PORNYporny adj. (Informal) Reminiscent of pornography; somewhat pornographic.
PORNY adj. (colloquial) pornographic.
PREONpreon n. (Physics) A hypothetical point-like particle, supposed to be a subcomponent of quarks and leptons and…
PREON n. a hypothetical particle, a possible constituent of a quark.
PRIONprion n. (Molecular biology) A self-propagating misfolded conformer of a protein that is responsible for a number…
prion n. A petrel of the genus Pachyptila.
PRION n. any petrel of a genus feeding on the plankton of the southern oceans.
PROINproin v. Obsolete form of prune.
PROIN v. (obsolete) to preen, prune, also PROIGN, PROINE, PROYN, PROYNE.
PRONEprone adj. Lying face downward.
prone adj. Of the hand, forearm or foot: turned facing away from the body; with the thumb inward or big toe downward.
prone adj. Having a downward inclination or slope.
PRONGprong n. A thin, pointed, projecting part, as of an antler or a fork or similar tool. A tine.
prong n. A branch; a fork.
prong n. (Colloquial) The penis.
PRONKpronk v. (Of a quadruped) To jump with all four limbs at once.
pronk n. A gait or a leap in which all four legs are used to push off the ground at once.
PRONK v. (South African) of a springbok, to leap in the air.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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