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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 12 five-letter words containing 2N, O and S

CONNSconns v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of conn.
CONN v. to direct the steering of a ship.
NANOSNanos prop.n. A surname from Greek.
NANO n. the science that deals with materials on an atomic or molecular scale.
NEONSneons n. Plural of neon (the fish, neon tetras).
NEON n. a gaseous element.
NONASNONA n. a virus disease.
NONESnones n. (Historical, often capitalized) The notional first-quarter day of a Roman month, occurring on the 7th…
nones n. (Historical, sometimes capitalized) The ninth hour after dawn (about 3 pm).
nones n. (Christian) The divine office appointed to the hour.
NONGSnongs n. Plural of nong.
Nongs prop.n. Plural of Nong.
NONG n. (Australian slang) a fool, an idiot.
NONISnonis n. Plural of noni.
NONI n. (Hawaiian) a tree of SE Asia whose fruit provides a possibly health-promoting juice.
NOONSnoons adv. At noontimes.
noons n. Plural of noon.
noons v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of noon.
NOUNSnouns n. Plural of noun.
nouns v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of noun.
NOUN n. a word used to denote the name of something.
SONNEsonne n. Obsolete spelling of son.
sonne n. Obsolete spelling of sun.
Sonne prop.n. A surname.
SONNYsonny n. (Dated) a familiar form of address for a boy.
sonny n. (Colloquial, dated, derogatory) form of address to a boy or man, to express contempt, warning etc.
Sonny prop.n. A nickname for a male child.
STONNSTONN v. (obsolete) to stun, also STONNE, STOUN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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