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There are 20 seven-letter words containing N, R and X

ANOREXYanorexy n. Archaic form of anorexia.
ANOREXY n. lack of appetite, also ANOREXIA.
ANTHRAXanthrax n. (Pathology) An acute infectious disease of herbivores, especially sheep and cattle, caused by Bacillus anthracis.
anthrax n. The human disease that can occur in humans through contact with infected herbivores, tissue from infected…
Anthrax prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Bombyliidae – bee flies.
BRUXINGbruxing v. Present participle of brux.
BRUX v. to grind teeth together.
DEXTRANdextran n. (Biochemistry) A biopolymer of glucose produced by enzymes of certain bacteria; used as a substitute…
DEXTRAN n. a substitute for blood plasma.
DEXTRINdextrin n. (Biochemistry) Any of a range of oligomers of glucose, intermediate in complexity between maltose and…
DEXTRIN n. a substance used as an adhesive, also DEXTRINE.
EXTERNEexterne n. A person affiliated with an institution who does not reside there, especially a doctor or medical student…
EXTERNE n. an officer in attendance upon a hospital, but not residing in it; esp. one who cares for the outpatients, also EXTERN.
EXTERNSexterns n. Plural of extern.
EXTERN n. an officer in attendance upon a hospital, but not residing in it; esp. one who cares for the outpatients, also EXTERNE.
EXURBANexurban adj. Of, pertaining to, or residing in an exurb.
EXURBAN adj. relating to an exurb, a residential area, esp. a prosperous one, outside the suburbs of a town.
INDEXERindexer n. A person or program which creates indexes.
indexer n. (Computing, programming, .NET) A special property of a class allowing objects of the class to be accessed…
INDEXER n. one who indexes.
NARTHEXnarthex n. (Architecture) A western vestibule leading to the nave in some Christian churches.
Narthex prop.n. (Obsolete) A taxonomic genus within the family Apiaceae – umbelliferous plants, now included in Ferula…
NARTHEX n. (Greek) a small entrance or porch to a church.
OREXINSorexins n. Plural of orexin.
OREXIN n. a hormone that stimulates the appetite and is thought to be important for sleep regulation.
PHARYNXpharynx n. (Anatomy) The part of the alimentary canal and respiratory tract that extends from the back of the mouth…
pharynx n. (Zootomy) The part of the alimentary canal immediately behind the mouth in invertebrates that may be…
PHARYNX n. (Greek) a section of the digestive tract.
PRINCOXprincox n. Alternative form of princock.
PRINCOX n. a conceited dandy, also COXCOMB, PRINCOCK.
REANNEXreannex v. (Transitive) To annex again.
REANNEX v. to annex again.
REINDEXreindex v. (Computing, databases) To index again or anew.
REINDEX v. to index again.
RELAXINrelaxin n. (Biochemistry) A peptide hormone of the insulin superfamily.
relaxin' v. Pronunciation spelling of relaxing.
RELAXIN n. a hormone which has a relaxing effect on the pelvic muscles.
REXINESREXINE n. (tradename) a kind of artificial leather.
SAXHORNsaxhorn n. (Music) Any of a group of similar brass instruments, resembling a bugle in shape, but with valves.
SAXHORN n. a brass wind instrument.
TRIAXONtriaxon n. A triaxonal spicule of a sponge.
TRIAXON n. a sponge spicule with three axes, also TRIAXIAL.
XERAFINxerafin n. Alternative form of xeraphim.
XERAFIN n. (Portuguese) a former silver coin of Goa, also SERAFIN, SERAPHIN, XERAPHIN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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