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There are 19 seven-letter words containing N, O and Q

AQUILONAquilon prop.n. The Roman god of the North Wind, equivalent to the Greek god Boreas.
Aquilon prop.n. The north wind personified.
AQUILON n. (Shakespeare) the north wind.
CONQUERconquer v. To defeat in combat; to subjugate.
conquer v. To acquire by force of arms, win in war; to become ruler of; to subjugate.
conquer v. To overcome an abstract obstacle.
COQUINAcoquina n. (Countable) Any of several small marine clams, of the species Donax variabilis, common in United States…
coquina n. (Uncountable, geology) A soft form of limestone made of fragments of shells, sometimes used as a building…
COQUINA n. (Spanish) a coarse-grained, porous variety of clastic limestone made up chiefly of shells and shell fragments.
EQUINOXequinox n. One of the two occasions in the year when the length of the day and night are equal, which occurs when…
equinox n. (Also figuratively) The circumstance of a twenty-four hour time period having the day and night of equal length.
equinox n. (Astronomy) One of the two points in space where the apparent path of the Sun intersects with the equatorial…
JONQUILjonquil n. A fragrant bulb flower (Narcissus jonquilla), a species of daffodil.
jonquil n. A shade of yellow.
Jonquil prop.n. (Rare) A female given name from English.
QIGONGSqigongs n. Plural of qigong.
QIGONG n. (Chinese) a system of Chinese meditative exercises.
QUANGOSquangos n. Plural of quango.
QUANGO n. a quasi-autonomous nongovernmental organization.
QUILLONquillon n. The guard of a sword or other bladed weapon designed to protect the hand from harm.
quillon n. Either of the two arms of such a guard.
QUILLON n. (French) the arm of the cross-guard of a sword handle.
QUINOASquinoas n. Plural of quinoa.
QUINOA n. (Quechua) a South American goosefoot, with seeds used as rice.
QUINOIDquinoid adj. (Organic chemistry) Having a structure based upon a quinone.
quinoid n. (Organic chemistry) Any substance whose structure is based upon a quinone.
QUINOID n. a quinonoid substance.
QUINOLSquinols n. Plural of quinol.
QUINOL n. a reducing agent obtained from quinone.
QUINONEquinone n. (Organic chemistry) Any of a class of aromatic compounds having two carbonyl functional groups in the…
QUINONE n. a crystalline derivative of aniline, also CHINONE, KINONE.
QUODLINquodlin n. Obsolete form of codling (“apple”).
QUODLIN n. a variety of elongated apple, also CODLIN, CODLING.
QUOINEDquoined adj. (Architecture) Furnished with a quoin.
QUOIN v. to secure or raise by wedging.
QUONDAMquondam adj. (Formal) Former; once; at one time.
QUONDAM adj. (Latin) former, erstwhile.
QUONKEDquonked v. Simple past tense and past participle of quonk.
QUONK v. to make an accidental disturbing noise too close to a microphone.
QUOTINGquoting v. Present participle of quote.
quoting n. A quoted statement; a quote.
QUOTE v. to repeat the words of, also COATE.
UNQUOTEunquote interj. Used in speech to indicate the end of a quotation.
unquote v. (Transitive, computing) To convert (a quoted expression) back to its original form.
UNQUOTE v. to close a quotation.
YAQONASyaqonas n. Plural of yaqona.
YAQONA n. (Fijian) a shrub, of the West Pacific islands, aka kava; a narcotic fermented drink made esp. in Fiji from its macerated roots.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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