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There are 11 three-letter words containing N and W

AWNawn n. The bristle or beard of barley, oats, grasses, etc., or any similar bristlelike appendage; arista.
AWN n. a beard on grass.
AWN v. to shelter with an awning.
NAWnaw interj. (Informal) No.
naw interj. (Jamaica) Pronunciation spelling of not.
NAW interj. (colloquial) no.
NEWnew adj. Recently made, or created.
new adj. Additional; recently discovered.
new adj. Current or later, as opposed to former.
NOWnow adj. Present; current.
now adj. (Informal) Fashionable; popular; up to date; current.
now adj. (Archaic, law) At the time the will is written. Used in order to prevent any inheritance from being…
OWNown adj. Belonging to; possessed; acquired; proper to; property of; titled to; held in one’s name; under/using…
own adj. Not shared.
own adj. (Obsolete) Peculiar, domestic.
PWNpwn v. (Internet slang, online gaming, originally leet, transitive, intransitive) To own, to defeat or dominate…
pwn n. (Internet slang, originally leetspeak) Triumph, victory. Often exclaimed after an opponent in a video…
pwn n. (Internet slang, computer security, originally leetspeak) An exploit in computer security.
WANwan adj. Pale, sickly-looking.
wan adj. Dim, faint.
wan adj. Bland, uninterested.
WENwen n. A cyst on the skin.
wen n. A runic letter later replaced by w.
wen adv. (Eye dialect) Alternative spelling of when.
WINwin v. (Obsolete, transitive) To conquer, defeat.
win v. (Transitive, intransitive) To reach some destination or object, despite difficulty or toil (now usually…
win v. (Transitive) To triumph or achieve victory in (A game, a war, etc.).
WONwon v. Simple past tense and past participle of win.
won v. (Archaic or obsolete, regional) To live, remain.
won v. (Archaic or obsolete, regional) To be accustomed to do something.
WYNwyn n. Alternative spelling of wynn.
Wyn prop.n. A male given name from Welsh.
WYN n. a rune, having the value of modern English W, also WYNN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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