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There are 19 words containing M, O, P, 3R, S and T

IMPROPRIATORSimpropriators n. Plural of impropriator.
IMPROPRIATOR n. a layman who is in possession of a benefice or its revenues.
MICROENTERPRISEmicroenterprise n. (Business) A very small business with five or fewer employees, or the business sector comprising these businesses.
MICROPROJECTORSmicroprojectors n. Plural of microprojector.
MICROPROJECTOR n. a projector utilizing a compound microscope for projecting on a screen a greatly enlarged image of a microscopic object.
MICROPYROMETERSMICROPYROMETER n. a pyrometer for measuring the temperature of very small objects.
MISREPORTERmisreporter n. One who misreports.
MISREPORTER n. one who misreports.
MISREPORTERSmisreporters n. Plural of misreporter.
MISREPORTER n. one who misreports.
PROTOMARTYRSprotomartyrs n. Plural of protomartyr.
PROTOMARTYR n. the first martyr in any cause, esp. St Stephen.
REIMPORTERSreimporters n. Plural of reimporter.
REIMPORTER n. one who reimports.
RESPIROMETERrespirometer n. A device used to measure the rate of respiration of living organisms, such as plants or fish.
respirometer n. An apparatus for supplying air to a diver under water.
RESPIROMETER n. an instrument for measuring and studying respiration.
RESPIROMETERSrespirometers n. Plural of respirometer.
RESPIROMETER n. an instrument for measuring and studying respiration.
RESPIROMETRICrespirometric adj. Relating to respirometry.
RESPIROMETRIC adj. relating to measurement by respirometer.
RESPIROMETRIESRESPIROMETRY n. measurement by respirometer.
RESPIROMETRYrespirometry n. A form of calorimetry that is used to measure the metabolic rate.
RESPIROMETRY n. measurement by respirometer.
SPERMATORRHEAspermatorrhea n. Alternative form of spermatorrhoea.
SPERMATORRHEA n. involuntary seminal discharge without orgasm, also SPERMATORRHOEA.
SPERMATORRHEASspermatorrheas n. Plural of spermatorrhea.
SPERMATORRHEA n. involuntary seminal discharge without orgasm, also SPERMATORRHOEA.
SPERMATORRHOEAspermatorrhoea n. (Medicine) Abnormal emission of the semen without copulation.
spermatorrhœa n. Obsolete form of spermatorrhea.
SPERMATORRHOEA n. involuntary seminal discharge without orgasm, also SPERMATORRHEA.
SPERMATORRHOEASspermatorrhoeas n. Plural of spermatorrhoea.
SPERMATORRHOEA n. involuntary seminal discharge without orgasm, also SPERMATORRHEA.
THERMOGRAPHERSthermographers n. Plural of thermographer.
THERMOGRAPHER n. one who uses a thermograph, an instrument for recording changes in temperature.
THERMORECEPTORSthermoreceptors n. Plural of thermoreceptor.
THERMORECEPTOR n. a sensory end organ that is stimulated by heat or cold.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 604 words
  • Scrabble in French: 52 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 201 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 167 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 76 words

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